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aerobic ne demek?

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aerobic anlamı

"aerobic" için örnek kullanımlar

Zumba is Colombian dance fitness program that also has aerobic elements.
Zumba da aerobik elemanları vardır Kolombiyalı dans spor programıdır.
Kaynak: thesuburbanite.com
Aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity most days of the week.
Haftanın aerobik aktivite çoğu gün en az 30 dakika hedefleyin.
Kaynak: manicapost.com
Mondays are really aerobic, for example, where we do a lot of yardage.
Biz yarda bir çok durumlarda oluşabilir, Pazartesi, örneğin, gerçekten aerobik vardır.
Kaynak: browndailyherald.com
Aerobic means with oxygen, anaerobic means without oxygen.
Aerobik oksijen olmadan oksijen, anaerobik araçlarla gelir.
Kaynak: business2community.com
Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of relatively low intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy -
Kaynak: Aerobic exercise
An aerobic organism or aerobe is an organism that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment Facultative anaerobes grow and survive
Kaynak: Aerobic organism
Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the
Kaynak: Aerobics
Sport aerobics, or aerobic gymnastics is the ability to perform continuously complex and high-intensity movement patterns to music—which
Kaynak: Sport aerobics
Molecular dioxygen, O | 2, is essential for cellular respiration in all aerobic organism s. Oxygen is used in mitochondria to help
Kaynak: Oxygen
Oxygen present in the body is quickly depleted by the aerobic organisms found within. This creates an ideal environment for the
Kaynak: Decomposition
An obligate aerobe is an aerobic organism that requires oxygen to grow. Through cellular respiration , these organisms use oxygen to
Kaynak: Obligate aerobe
The lactate threshold (LT) (or lactate inflection point (LIP) or aerobic threshold (AeT) is the exercise intensity at which lactate (more
Kaynak: Lactate threshold
Step aerobics is a form of aerobic power distinguished from other types of aerobic exercise by its use of an elevated platform (the step
Kaynak: Step aerobics
Water aerobics or "waterobics" is the performance of aerobic exercise in shallow water such as a swimming pool . "aqua aerobics", and is a
Kaynak: Water aerobics
The use of aerobic granular sludge technology is one of them. File:Aerobic granular sludge Nereda. jpg | Aerobic Granules derived from
Kaynak: Aerobic granulation
An aerobic treatment system or ATS, often called (incorrectly) an aerobic septic system, is a small scale sewage treatment system similar
Kaynak: Aerobic treatment system
Gospel Aerobics is a form of rhythmic aerobic exercise that uses gospel music , spiritual encouragement and motivation during the routine.
Kaynak: Gospel Aerobics

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