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affront ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

affront anlamı
1) hakaret
1) küçük düşürmek
2) gücendirmek
3) hakaret etmek

"affront" için örnek kullanımlar

The assault is an affront to press freedom and the public's right to know.
Saldırı özgürlük ve bilmek halkın hakkı basın bir hakarettir.
Kaynak: scmp.com
"I saw this as an affront, this increase of three per cent," she said.
"Ben bir hakaret olarak gördü, üç yüzde bu artış," dedi.
Kaynak: montrealgazette.com
That bright young women are being insulted and abused is an affront to us all.
Parlak genç kadın hakaret ve kötü muamele gördüklerini Bu hepimiz için bir hakarettir.
Kaynak: heraldscotland.com
He noted the practice of painting them is contrived, an affront to authenticity.
Onlara boyama uygulaması, özgünlük bir hakarettir yapmacık kaydetti.
Kaynak: sunstar.com.ph
inaccuracies even reached the British Parliament, where Prime Minister Tony Blair stated that the film was an "affront" to British sailors.
Kaynak: U-571 (film)
It would be a terrible affront to the memory of those who perished to belittle the guilt of the crime in any way. Richard Krege maintained
Kaynak: International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust
States held that a state's non-discriminatory fuel tax imposed on off-reservation distributors does not pose an affront to a tribe's sovereignty
Kaynak: Wagnon v. Prairie Band Potawatomi Indians
After the Covenant leadership — the High Prophets — declare humanity an affront to their gods, the Covenant prosecute a lengthy genocidal
Kaynak: Covenant (Halo)
Originally Spain entered Joan Manuel Serrat to sing "La La La", but his demand to sing in Catalan was an affront to Francoist Spain .
Kaynak: Eurovision Song Contest 1968
(Jalan Duta), 4km away from the earlier location of the judicial system at a collection of colonial buildings affront the Independence Square .
Kaynak: Kuala Lumpur Courts Complex
The presence of German derived place names was seen as an affront to the war efforts, and to the sensibilities of many in the Australian
Kaynak: Australian place names changed from German names
At the time it was published in 1869, this essay was an affront to European conventional norms for the status of men and women.
Kaynak: The Subjection of Women
One who committed an affront to another man's honour or would not defend his own affronted honour would be regarded as a coward and suffer
Kaynak: Penal substitution
but in the rebellion of 1745, owing either to a personal affront or to the influence of his wife or to his straitened circumstances he
Kaynak: William Boyd, 4th Earl of Kilmarnock

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