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afforestation ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

afforestation anlamı
1) ağaçlandırma
2) ormanlaştırma

"afforestation" için örnek kullanımlar

Meanwhile TIKA has been working on a project on afforestation of the continent.
Bu arada TİKA kıtanın ağaçlandırma ile ilgili bir proje üzerinde çalışıyor.
Kaynak: turkishweekly.net
Completed artificial afforestation now covers 108,400 hectares.
Tamamlanan yapay ağaçlandırma şimdi 108.400 hektar kapsar.
Kaynak: usa.chinadaily.com.cn
MNREGA can be given to afforestation but it has not been done.
MNREGA ağaçlandırma verilebilir ama yapılmamıştır.
Kaynak: niticentral.com
Afforestation and reforestation projects are excluded.
Ağaçlandırma ve ormanlaştırma projeleri hariç tutulmuştur.
Kaynak: indepthnews.info
The term reforestation is similar to afforestation , the process of restoring and recreating areas of woodlands or forests that may have
Kaynak: Reforestation
Conservation and Afforestation (PPCSCA) was a Kenya government Commission established to promote conservation and afforestation, monitoring
Kaynak: Permanent Presidential Commission on Soil Conservation and Afforestation
Social forestry means the management and protection of forests and afforestation on barren lands with the purpose of helping in the
Kaynak: Social forestry in India
In many parts of the world, especially in East Asian countries, reforestation and afforestation are increasing the area of forested lands
Kaynak: Deforestation
Sitka Spruce Plantation, also known as The Forest or AHRS UNL-074, is an afforestation site and National Historic Landmark located in the
Kaynak: Sitka Spruce Plantation
Instead of taking resources from existing natural forests, afforestation is a process used to plant to trees and use them as resources
Kaynak: United States Forest Conservation
George Weston MBE (14 October 1866 – 1 December 1935) was an Australia n horticulturist and was responsible for the afforestation of Canberra .
Kaynak: Thomas Weston (horticulturalist)
In silviculture the activity is known as reforestation , or afforestation, depending on whether the area being planted has or has not
Kaynak: Tree planting
windbreak s to reduce wind speed and subsequent erosion , rehabilitating degraded forest s and starting afforestation of barren hill slopes.
Kaynak: Central Arid Zone Research Institute
The establishment of the “Olive Tree Fund” marked the beginning of Diaspora support of afforestation efforts. The Blue Box (known in
Kaynak: Jewish National Fund
The origins of the afforestation drive that is currently underway in Manesar was thought of all the way back in 1999, according to this
Kaynak: Manesar Industries' Welfare Association
fauna of India , forest s and other wilderness area s; prevention and control of pollution ; afforestation , and land degradation mitigation.
Kaynak: Ministry of Environment and Forests (India)
Being highly drought-resistant, Leptadenia pyrotechnica has played an important role in the desert afforestation programs. The herb khimp
Kaynak: Leptadenia pyrotechnica
mismanagement; land clearing for agriculture; overgrazing; afforestation and roadkill are of serious concern for the species (Ansara, 2004).
Kaynak: African Grass Owl
forestry , wildlife (including Wildflowers ); protection and prevention of pollution control, afforestation , and land degradation mitigatio.
Kaynak: Ministry of Environment (Pakistan)

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