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affray ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

affray anlamı
1) kavga
2) dövüş
3) dalaş
4) kavga kıyamet

"affray" için örnek kullanımlar

Dappy has been given a suspended prison sentence for assault and affray.
Dappy saldırı ve kavga için ertelenmiş hapis cezası verildi.
Kaynak: home.nzcity.co.nz
He admitted affray and possessing a bladed weapon at a previous hearing.
O kavga başvuran ve bir önceki duruşmada bir kanatlı silah sahip.
Kaynak: getreading.co.uk
Simple affray, assault on a government official and disorderly conduct.
Basit affray, bir hükümet yetkilisi ve düzensiz davranış üzerine saldırı.
Kaynak: montgomeryherald.com
Williamson pleaded guilty to charges of affray and breaching a previous ASBO.
Williamson affray ve ihlal önceki ASBO yönündeki suçlamaları reddetti.
Kaynak: burtonmail.co.uk
In many legal jurisdictions related to English common law , affray is a public order offence consisting of the fighting of two or more
Kaynak: Affray
The Rathcormac massacre or Gortroe massacre was an affray during the Tithe War in Ireland , which took place on 18 December 1834 in County
Kaynak: Rathcormac massacre
1852 election affray: On 22 July 1852, a magistrate and eight soldiers of the 31st Regiment escorted 18 tenants of the Marquess of
Kaynak: Sixmilebridge
Ali Osman, 18, was charged with affray and assault occasioning actual bodily harm for the original attacks on the volunteer lifesavers on 4
Kaynak: 2005 Cronulla riots

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