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blowfly ne demek?

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blowfly anlamı
1) kurt sineği

"blowfly" için örnek kullanımlar

But if it was meant to intimidate, Moody brushed it off like a blowfly.
Korkuttuğu gerekiyordu Ama eğer Moody bir kurt sineği gibi fırçaladı.
Kaynak: heraldsun.com.au
''I suppose its been seven months wait.'' Ascot played on Nolen's mind, too, like a blowfly that he cannot swat away.
'' Ben onun be yedi ay beklemek sanırım.'' Ascot Nolen aklında oynadı da, bir kurt sineği gibi o swat uzakta yapamam ki.
Kaynak: theage.com.au
She knows the plants, particularly her beloved orchids; we're always on the lookout for them, some only as big as a blowfly.
O bitkiler, özellikle çok sevdiği orkide bilir, biz bir kurt sineği gibi bazı sadece kadar büyük, onlar için her zaman uyanık konum.
Kaynak: theaustralian.com.au
Antiseen's stubborn tenacity has earned them cult status, collaborations and covers with or by Hank Williams III, Blowfly and Zeke.
Antiseen inatçı azim onları kült statüsü, işbirlikleri ve Hank Williams III, kurt sineği ve Zeke veya tarafından kapakları kazanmıştır.
Kaynak: indyweek.com
Colloquialisms for myiasis include flystrike, blowfly strike, and the victim or the tissue may be described as fly-blown. The name of the
Kaynak: Myiasis
Calliphora augur, known as the lesser brown blowfly or bluebodied blowfly, is a species of blow-fly that is native to Australia .
Kaynak: Calliphora augur
The species Lucilia cuprina, formerly named Phaenicia cuprina, is more commonly known as the Australian sheep blowfly. to the blow-fly
Kaynak: Lucilia cuprina
Protophormia terraenovae is commonly called northern blowfly, blue-bottle fly or blue-assed fly (blue-arsed fly in British English ).
Kaynak: Protophormia terraenovae
Due to rapid dispersion of the species, it has become the dominant blowfly on human cadavers in north and central Florida, while Chrysomya
Kaynak: Chrysomya rufifacies
Calliphora stygia, commonly known as the brown blowfly, or rango tumaro in Māori , is a species of blow-fly that is found in Australia
Kaynak: Calliphora stygia
The cluster flies are the genus Pollenia in the blowfly family Calliphoridae. Unlike more familiar blow flies, such as the bluebottle
Kaynak: Cluster fly
The H1 neuron exists in the visual cortex of the blowfly , it is a classic test case for neuroscience models Why?. The H1 neuron
Kaynak: H1 neuron

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