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blowhard ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

blowhard anlamı
1) palavracı

"blowhard" için örnek kullanımlar

He's a blowhard who resorts to idiotic cliches like "the rules are the rules."
O gibi aptalca klişeler başvurmaktadır bir palavracı olduğunu "kurallar kurallar vardır."
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
The crusade earned Trump the title from one editorialist as "birther blowhard."
Haçlı gibi bir editörü, gelen Trump ünvanını kazanan "birther palavracı."
Kaynak: chron.com
Blowhard or not, Galloway is known to be rather loudly opinionated.
Palavracı ya da olmasın, Galloway oldukça yüksek sesle inatçı olduğu bilinmektedir.
Kaynak: ibtimes.com
Moore might well be a blowhard, but his heart's in the right place.
Moore iyi bir palavracı olabilir, ama kalbi doğru yerde.
Kaynak: deadline.com
by others in the media when he criticized the commentary of Monday Night Football announcer Jon Gruden , calling him out as a "blowhard ...
Kaynak: Mike Pereira
Colbert plays the role of a populist blowhard journalist character, similar to his role on The Daily Show . In The Colbert Report, the
Kaynak: List of The Colbert Report episodes
Kricfalusi portrayed George Liquor as a patriotic, outspoken, politically conservative blowhard. Kricfalusi described Liquor as his
Kaynak: George Liquor
(also in another typical Americanism, blowhard), with a mock- Latin ending to give it the self-important stature that's implicit in its meaning
Kaynak: Bloviation
Colbert plays the role of a populist blowhard journalist character, similar to his character on The Daily Show . In The Colbert Report,
Kaynak: List of The Colbert Report episodes (2007)
Colbert plays the role of a populist blowhard journalist character, similar to his role on The Daily Show . In The Colbert Report, the
Kaynak: List of The Colbert Report episodes (2005)
Colbert plays the role of a libertarian/conservative blowhard journalist character, similar to his role on The Daily Show . In The Colbert
Kaynak: List of The Colbert Report episodes (2006)

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