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blowhole ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

blowhole anlamı
1) hava deliği
2) balinanın hava deliği

"blowhole" için örnek kullanımlar

The water is calm and still, making the burst of a blowhole all the more dramatic.
Su deliklerde bir patlama tüm daha dramatik hale sakin ve halen devam etmektedir.
Kaynak: travelweekly.com.au
When your blood is funneling out some fish creature's blowhole, THAT is a bad day at work.
Kan bazı balık yaratığın deliklerde üzerinden Hunileşme olduğunda, BU iş yerinde kötü bir gün.
Kaynak: boxofficeprophets.com
So doesn't it make sense that someone would be responsible for ensuring the Electric Corporation doesn't stuff its blowhole with debt?
Yani birinin borcu ile deliklerde şeyler gelmez Electric Corporation sağlamaktan sorumlu olacağını mantıklı değil?
Kaynak: haaretz.com
In geology , a blowhole is formed as sea cave s grow landwards and upwards into vertical shafts and expose themselves towards the surface,
Kaynak: Blowhole (geology)
The Kiama Blowhole is a blowhole in the town of Kiama , New South Wales , Australia . It is the town's major tourist attraction.
Kaynak: Kiama Blowhole
Halona Blowhole is a rock formation and a blowhole on the island of Oahu , Hawaii off of Hanauma Bay overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Kaynak: Halona Blowhole
Hummanaya is the only known blowhole in Sri Lanka and it may be the second largest blowhole in the world. Meaning of the word “Hummanaya
Kaynak: Hummanaya
La Bufadora is a marine geyser or blowhole located on the Punta Banda Peninsula in Baja California , Mexico . The spout of sea water is
Kaynak: La Bufadora
which means "wind cave" or "blowhole") is the largest and most important cave in Bosnia and Herzegovina , and one of the most important
Kaynak: Vjetrenica
Jack's Bay is noted for a large blowhole , known as Jack's Blowhole, a 55 metre-deep blowhole that formed when part of a sea cavern's roof
Kaynak: Jack's Bay

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