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consensus ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

consensus anlamı
1) fikir birliği
2) oybirliği
3) ortak görüş
4) organların etkileşimi

"consensus" için örnek kullanımlar

On the other, as each new plan is hatched, consensus could be harder to find.
Her yeni planı yumurtadan gibi diğer taraftan, uzlaşma bulmak zor olabilir.
Kaynak: dailyherald.com
Economists' rare consensus: sequester is a really bad idea.
Ekonomistler 'nadir konsensüs: Sequester gerçekten kötü bir fikir.
Kaynak: nbcnews.com
Parliamentary affairs minister Kamal Nath called this meeting to build a broad consensus.
Parlamento İşleri Bakanı Kamal Nath geniş bir fikir birliği oluşturmak için bu toplantıya çağrıldı.
Kaynak: hindustantimes.com
The subsequent decision to hold rates steady was the "prevailing consensus," Draghi said.
Oranları tutmak için yargılanmalarına karar sabit oldu "hakim konsensüs," Draghi dedi.
Kaynak: marketwatch.com
Scientific consensus is the collective judgment, position, and opinion of the community of scientist s in a particular field of study.
Kaynak: Scientific consensus
Consensus government is a form of consensus democracy government date December 2011 in Canada in the Northwest Territories , Nunavut , as
Kaynak: Consensus government in Canada
Consensus reality is that which is generally agreed to be reality , based on a consensus view. The difficulty with the question stems from
Kaynak: Consensus reality
Ijmāʿ (إجماع) is an Arabic term referring to the consensus or agreement of the Muslim community. may define this consensus as that of the
Kaynak: Ijma
Consensus democracy is the application of consensus decision-making to the process of legislation in a democracy . It is characterised by
Kaynak: Consensus democracy
In molecular biology and bioinformatics , the consensus sequence is the calculated order of most frequent residues, either nucleotide or
Kaynak: Consensus sequence
Consensus All-Americans: All-America teams selected by the AP , AFCA , FWAA , Sporting News , and the WCFF to determine consensus All-Americans.
Kaynak: College Football All-America Team
This scientific consensus is expressed in synthesis reports , by scientific bodies of national or international standing, and by surveys
Kaynak: Scientific opinion on climate change
Examples of applications of consensus include whether to commit a transaction to a database, agreeing on the identity of a leader , state
Kaynak: Consensus (computer science)
Medical consensus is a public statement on a particular aspect of medical knowledge available at the time it was written, and that is
Kaynak: Consensus (medical)
In psychology , the false-consensus effect or false-consensus bias is a cognitive bias whereby a person tends to overestimate how much
Kaynak: False-consensus effect
The word "consensus " may mean: 1992 Consensus Consensual nonconsent Consensus (computer science) - achieving wikt:coherence | coherence ,
Kaynak: Consensus (disambiguation)

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