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consecration ne demek?

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consecration anlamı
1) kutsama
2) takdis
3) ithaf
4) adama
5) kutsama töreni

"consecration" için örnek kullanımlar

It culminated with the consecration of the church on Sunday, Feb. 10.
Bugün pazar 10 Şubat'ta kilise kutsama ile sonuçlandı.
Kaynak: yorknewstimes.com
The consecration of Christ Church Consett took place on the 15 November 1866.
Christ Church Consett kutsama 15 Kasım 1866 gerçekleşti.
Kaynak: consettmagazine.com
Pope Benedict appointed him as bishop and two weeks following his consecration.
Papa Benedict piskopos ve iki hafta yaptığı kutsama takip olarak atadı.
Kaynak: krzk.com
Jennifer went through a program, renewing her consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Jennifer Meryem aracılığıyla İsa onu kutsama yenileyen bir program geçti.
Kaynak: georgiabulletin.org
Consecration is the solemn dedication to a special purpose or service, usually religious. The word "consecration" literally means "to
Kaynak: Consecration
ordinations performed by the Independent Catholic groups, as Orthodoxy considers to be spurious any consecration outside of the Church as a whole.
Kaynak: Bishop
For centuries, Marian devotions among Roman Catholics have included many examples of personal or collective acts of consecration and
Kaynak: Consecration and entrustment to Mary
Écône consecrations were a set of episcopal consecration s that took place in Écône , Switzerland , on 30 June 1988. They were performed
Kaynak: Ecône consecrations
In 1551 the Council of Trent officially defined, with a minimum of technical philosophical language, that "by the consecration of the
Kaynak: Transubstantiation
The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a belief in the Roman Catholic Church that a specific act of consecration
Kaynak: Consecration of Russia
In the Latter Day Saint movement (also known as Mormonism ), the term law of consecration was first used in 1831 by Joseph Smith.
Kaynak: Law of consecration
There is usually a place for a candle in front of each cross which is lit on the anniversary of the consecration . The crosses are
Kaynak: Consecration crosses

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