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conscript ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

conscript anlamı
1) askere alınmış
2) zorunlu çalıştırılan
1) askere almak
2) askere çağırmak
1) askere alınmış genç
2) acemi asker

"conscript" için örnek kullanımlar

Red Army conscript Bakhretdin Khakimov was presumed dead by Soviet chiefs.
Kızıl Ordu askerlik Bakhretdin Khakimov Sovyet şefleri tarafından ölü sanıldığı.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
As a young man, Jung had spent a decade as a North Korean military conscript.
Genç bir adam olarak, Jung askere Kuzey Koreli bir askeri olarak bir yıl geçirmişti.
Kaynak: fullcomment.nationalpost.com
"If you want to conscript us to collect the tax, consider paying for the service."
"Eğer vergi toplamak için askerlik bize istiyorsanız, hizmet için ödeme düşünün."
Kaynak: ecommercebytes.com
MEEK: Another willing conscript for Canada's upper chamber.
Meek: Kanada'nın üst kamara için başka bir istekli askere.
Kaynak: thechronicleherald.ca
Following unification, historical records show that a total of 300,000 conscript soldiers and 500,000 conscript labourers constructed the
Kaynak: Conscription
A constructed script (also artificial script, neography, and conscript for short) is a new writing system specifically created by an
Kaynak: Constructed script
Service as a PRO is different from a simple conscript's in many ways: PROs are generally subject to a harder training at first as cadets,
Kaynak: Conscription in Greece
A significant portion of Russians of conscript age try to avoid conscription, mostly because of specific code of violence which has
Kaynak: Conscription in Russia

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