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consecution ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

consecution anlamı
1) birbirini izleme
2) takip etme
3) olaylar dizisi
4) uyum

"consecution" için örnek kullanımlar

The consecution in eastside Pekerisan River is consisted of 5 units and the consecution at west side of river is 5 units, in the north is
Kaynak: Gunung Kawi
He detected grammatical niceties in Latin , in regard to the consecution of tenses which had escaped preceding critics. As an editor of
Kaynak: Johann August Ernesti
They served as mediators by consecution of secret reconciling negotiations with IMRO. Continuing into 1924 secret negotiations between the
Kaynak: Macedonian Federative Organization
In order to ensure consecution of the programme objectives, not duplication of investments and not distortion of competition, specific
Kaynak: National broadband plans from around the world

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