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conscription ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

conscription anlamı
1) mecburi görev
2) savaş vergisi
3) askerlik çağrısı
4) zorunlu hizmet
5) varlık vergisi

"conscription" için örnek kullanımlar

Puerto Ricans received citizenship, along with military conscription, in 1917.
Porto Rikolu 1917 yılında, zorunlu askerlik ile birlikte, vatandaşlık aldı.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
On March 3, 1863, the Enrollment Act of Conscription was passed.
3 Mart 1863 tarihinde, Zorunlu Askerliğe Son Kayıt Yasası geçti.
Kaynak: tribtoday.com
These would all enlist even if conscription were cancelled.
Askere iptal edilse bile bu her askere olacaktır.
Kaynak: theyeshivaworld.com
This legislation was not the first conscription measure to appear during the Civil War.
Bu mevzuat İç Savaşı sırasında beliren ilk askere tedbir değildi.
Kaynak: fredericksburg.com
The Conscription Crisis of 1917 (French: Crise de la conscription de 1917) was a political and military crisis in Canada during World War
Kaynak: Conscription Crisis of 1917
The Conscription Crisis of 1918 (Géarchéim an Choinscríofa 1918 stemmed from a move by the British Government to impose conscription
Kaynak: Conscription Crisis of 1918
service by an individual or group in an army or other militia , whether as a chosen job or as a result of an involuntary draft (conscription ).
Kaynak: Military service
National service is a common name for mandatory government service programmes (usually military service , also known as conscription ).
Kaynak: National service
Germany had conscription (Wehrpflicht) for male citizens between 1956 and 2011. the government to put conscription into wikt:abeyance |
Kaynak: Conscription in Germany
The Republic of China (Taiwan) has maintained a policy of conscription for all qualified males of military age. text since 1949. |
Kaynak: Conscription in Taiwan
is an independent agency of the United States government that maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription .
Kaynak: Selective Service System
Greece allows for the conscription of teenagers as young as 17 years of age during wartime. Yugoslavia: In 1992–1995, Serb militias fighting
Kaynak: Military use of children
Compulsory military training (CMT), a form of conscription , has been used in New Zealand during a number of historical periods.
Kaynak: Compulsory Military Training in New Zealand
Attitude towards conscription, the army and conscripts (draftees): Voicing opinions against the draft is considered a social stigma in
Kaynak: Conscription in Turkey

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