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consciousness ne demek?

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"consciousness" için örnek kullanımlar

Humanity stands at the threshold of a new era: the era of consciousness.
Bilinç dönemi: İnsanlık yeni bir dönemin eşiğinde.
Kaynak: care2.com
Health Matters: TB cases reawaken consciousness of disease in Grand Forks.
Sağlık Konuları: TB olgularının Grand Forks hastalığı bilincini reawaken.
Kaynak: grandforksherald.com
Review: 'Charles Swan' provides rare insight into the male consciousness Special.
İnceleme: 'Charles Swan' Özel erkek bilinç nadir fikir sağlar.
Kaynak: digitaljournal.com
On Sunday, the teen, who had been beaten, regained consciousness.
Pazar günü, dövüldüğünü genç, bilinci yerine geldi.
Kaynak: wpsdlocal6.com
Higher consciousness, also called Super consciousness (Yoga ), objective consciousness (Gurdjieff ), Buddhic consciousness (Theosophy ),
Kaynak: Higher consciousness
Class consciousness is a term used in social sciences and political theory , particularly Marxism , to refer to the beliefs that a person
Kaynak: Class consciousness
Vijñāna (Sanskrit ; Devanagari : विज्ञान) or viññā ṇ a (Pāli ; Devanagari : विञ्ञाण is translated as "consciousness ," "life force," "mind
Kaynak: Vijñāna
A few believe that anthropomorphic features like artificial consciousness or an artificial brain may be required for such a project.
Kaynak: Artificial intelligence
Collective consciousness or collective conscience (French conscience collective) is the set of shared beliefs and moral attitudes which
Kaynak: Collective consciousness
False consciousness is the Marxist thesis that material and institutional processes in capitalist society are misleading to the
Kaynak: False consciousness
Following the work of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel , Karl Marx outlined the workings of a political consciousness. politics of consciousness
Kaynak: Political consciousness
Loss of consciousness must not be confused with altered states of consciousness , such as delirium (when the person is confused and only
Kaynak: Unconsciousness
In the philosophy of consciousness , "sentience" can refer to the ability of any entity to have subjective perceptual experiences, or as
Kaynak: Sentience
Critical consciousness, conscientization, or conscientização (Portuguese), is a popular education and social concept developed by Brazilian
Kaynak: Critical consciousness
The Mahāsāṃghika coupled this idea of the luminous mind with the idea of the mulavijnana , the substratum consciousness that serves as the
Kaynak: Buddha-nature
Chit (चित्) is a Sanskrit word meaning consciousness , "true consciousness"date March 2013, "to be consciousness of, "to understand", "to
Kaynak: Cit (consciousness)
Caribbean Consciousness: section | date December 2012 Caribbean consciousness is hip hop songs that highlight the themes and causes of the
Kaynak: Political hip hop
Importantly, neuroscientists have stated that important functions performed by the mind, such as learning, memory, and consciousness, are
Kaynak: Mind uploading
The argument from consciousness is an argument for the existence of God based on consciousness . Philosophical summary of the argument
Kaynak: Argument from consciousness
In Samkhya , a school of Hindu philosophy, Purusha is pure consciousness . It is thought to be our true identity, to be contrasted with
Kaynak: Purusha
See also : Cit (consciousness) Luminous mind Yogacara References: 2 Further reading : last Thanh | first Bhikkhu Thich Minh | year 2001 | title The
Kaynak: Citta

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