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consciously ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

consciously anlamı
1) bilinçli olarak
2) kasten
3) bile bile

"consciously" için örnek kullanımlar

They are deliberately and consciously sending these weapons to hostile hands!
Bunlar kasıtlı ve bilinçli düşman eline bu silahlar gönderme!
Kaynak: rightsidenews.com
Remembering happens more when we consciously decide to take notice.
Bilinçli haber almaya karar verdiğinizde Hatırlamak fazla olur.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
We could have grown another 10 per cent, but we consciously chose to play it cautiously.
Biz yüzde 10'luk bir artış var, ama biz bilinçli temkinli oynamak için seçtim.
Kaynak: thehindubusinessline.com
As far as I know, Wisconsin has not consciously decided to give up on the paper industry.
As far as ı know, Wisconsin bilinçli kağıt endüstrisi vazgeçmeye karar vermiş değil.
Kaynak: jsonline.com
AI advocates hoped: processing semantics is conscious and intentional because we use semantics to consciously produce meaning by what we say
Kaynak: Consciousness
Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, for establishing and verifying fact s, and changing or justifying practices
Kaynak: Reason
In psychology , sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism where socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are consciously
Kaynak: Sublimation (psychology)
Mahasamādhi (the great and final samādhi ) is the act of consciously and intentionally leaving one's body at the time of enlightenment A
Kaynak: Mahasamādhi
Phallic architecture is architecture that "consciously or unconsciously provide s a symbolic representation of the phallus Phallic
Kaynak: Phallic architecture
In psychology , compensation is a strategy whereby one covers up, consciously or unconsciously, weaknesses, frustration s, desires, or
Kaynak: Compensation (psychology)
Slow Living is the choice to live consciously with the goal of enhancing personal, community and environmental well being. Slow Living
Kaynak: Slow living
Sometimes, an author will write a story that is consciously based on an older story (typically in the public domain ) but with a modernized
Kaynak: List of modernized retellings of old stories
either consciously or unconsciously There are times when memories are reminders of unpleasant experiences that make people angry, sad,
Kaynak: Motivated forgetting
Banner blindness is a phenomenon in web usability where visitors to a website consciously or subconsciously ignore banner-like
Kaynak: Banner blindness
Unorganisation is an approach to organisational structure and design that consciously removes or avoids layers of management and
Kaynak: Unorganisation
Unconscious fraud is fraud committed by somebody who does not consciously realise that they are deceiving others Examples could be a
Kaynak: Unconscious fraud
The Pioneer Club was a self-consciously progressive women's club founded in 1892 by the social worker and temperance activist Emily
Kaynak: Pioneer Club (women's club)
In cognitive psychology, the missing letter effect refers to the finding that, when people are asked to consciously detect target letters
Kaynak: Missing letter effect
Strategic talk is how language can be used to maximize shared understanding by consciously and deliberalty to formulating talk, asking
Kaynak: Strategic talk
Anticonformity (counterconformity) refers to when an individual consciously and deliberately challenges the position or actions of the
Kaynak: Anticonformity (psychology)
Metafiction, also known as Romantic irony in the context of Romantic works of literature, is a type of fiction that self-consciously
Kaynak: Metafiction
Microexpressions occur when a person is consciously trying to conceal all signs of how he or she is feeling, or when a person does not
Kaynak: Microexpression

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