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conscientiously ne demek?

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"conscientiously" için örnek kullanımlar

But I cannot conscientiously do so and consider myself an honest man.
Ama vicdanlı bunu ve kendime dürüst bir adam sayamayız.
Kaynak: canberratimes.com.au
Lexi has been working really hard, and she is conscientiously trying to get better.
Lexi gerçekten zor çalışıyor, ve o vicdanlı iyi almak için çalışıyor.
Kaynak: arizonawildcats.com
The show still has the feel of an academic exercise conscientiously carried through.
Gösterisi hala vicdanlı yoluyla taşınan akademik bir çalışma hissediyorum vardır.
Kaynak: nzherald.co.nz
Instead, they choose to be in that situation conscientiously.
Bunun yerine, vicdanlı bu durumda olmayı seçiyorum.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
.maintain the Constitution of Ireland and uphold its laws, that I will fulfil my duties faithfully and conscientiously in accordance
Kaynak: Oath of office
Those who conscientiously object to making an oath will often make an affirmation instead. The essence of a divine oath is an invocation of
Kaynak: Oath
It also refers to those who have been imprisoned and/or persecuted for the non-violent expression of their conscientiously held beliefs.
Kaynak: Prisoner of conscience
At the Battle of Forts Jackson and St. Philip near New Orleans on April 24, 1862, he "conscientiously performed his duties throughout
Kaynak: Edward Wright (Medal of Honor)
Philip near New Orleans on April 24, 1862, he was stationed at the ship's wheel and "conscientiously performed his duties" despite heavy fire.
Kaynak: William Parker (Medal of Honor)
In law , an affirmation is a solemn declaration allowed to those who conscientiously object to taking an oath . An affirmation has exactly
Kaynak: Affirmation in law
Michigan Alumnus wrote: "He had striven conscientiously to perfect himself in the game and earned the respect of coaches, players and spectators.
Kaynak: Cecil Gooding
Affirmation in law , a declaration made by and allowed to those who conscientiously object to taking an oath. Affirmed in law , means that a
Kaynak: Affirmation
Some tax resisters advocate legal recognition of a right to COMT, while others conscientiously resist taxes without concern for whether
Kaynak: Conscientious objection to military taxation
He has also contributed conscientiously in the spin-off of technology from the space program, with applications in such diverse subjects
Kaynak: Edward Ng
Magdalen Hall , Oxford , but not being able conscientiously to subscribe the necessary formulae, he quit the university without taking his degree.
Kaynak: Daniel Burgess (minister)
Her earliest literary efforts were romantic, conscientiously modeled on German poets like Rilke, Goethe and Hesse and English poets such
Kaynak: Alexandra Motschmann
strictness—it was ruled that it was a disfellowshipping offense to conscientiously accept a blood transfusion Watch Tower publications
Kaynak: Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions
Suffragan bishops who look after those parishes and clergy who conscientiously object to the priestly ministry of women, usually across a
Kaynak: Suffragan bishop
"relegere" (to turn to constantly/observe conscientiously); "religare" (to bind oneself back); and "reeligere" (to choose again Because of
Kaynak: Religious studies
Yet he attended to his duties conscientiously, and ultimately broke his health in their discharge. In 1833 he was appointed professor of
Kaynak: Théodore Simon Jouffroy
"date August 2007 However the paper "found itself able to conscientiously to support him for high public office, and to commend his
Kaynak: R. N. Baskin
Although too modest to seek public office, he conscientiously accepted it, when assured that it was but duty to do so. He was lieutenant
Kaynak: Elisha Harris

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