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conscientious ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

conscientious anlamı
1) dürüst
2) vicdanlı
3) insaflı
4) hakçı

"conscientious" için örnek kullanımlar

Being a thorough and conscientious investigator, the trooper checks for a pulse.
Titiz ve vicdani araştırmacı olmak, asker bir darbe denetler.
Kaynak: blog.chron.com
Also, a report in China says that Lam's friends call her caring and conscientious.
Ayrıca, Çin'de bir rapor Lam'in arkadaşları ona bakmakta ve vicdani çağrı diyor.
Kaynak: ibtimes.co.uk
Megan Mayo, a student at Canyon Ridge High School, is conscientious and driven to success.
Megan Mayo, Canyon Ridge Lisesi'nde bir öğrenci, vicdani ve başarıya odaklı olduğunu.
Kaynak: magicvalley.com
She is conscientious, caring, smart, and good at math.
O, vicdani sevecen, akıllı, ve matematik iyidir.
Kaynak: bostonglobe.com
A conscientious objector (CO) is an "individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military serviceon the grounds of freedom of
Kaynak: Conscientious objector
Objections to Rawls' theory include first, its inability to accommodate conscientious objections to the society's basic appreciation of
Kaynak: Conscience
The Conscientious Objector Support Group (COSG), a support group to conscientious objectors (COs) in South Africa , was formed in 1978.
Kaynak: Conscientious Objector Support Group
There was a high level of conscientious objection in East Germany . Introduction of conscription: In April 1962 the GDR government introduced
Kaynak: Conscientious objection in East Germany
Thomas William Bennett (April 7, 1947 – February 11, 1969) was a U.S. Army medic and the second conscientious objector to receive the
Kaynak: Thomas W. Bennett (conscientious objector)
White was the first Australian to be a public conscientious objector to the Vietnam War. Both this initial application for total
Kaynak: William White (conscientious objector)
After his first tour in Iraq, Wilkerson had filed for conscientious objector status but was denied. He appealed but would not be heard
Kaynak: Mark Wilkerson (conscientious objector)
War (CCW) is a United States non-profit anti-war organization dedicated to defending and extending the rights of conscientious objector s.
Kaynak: Center on Conscience & War
Conscription is controversial because of conscientious objection to service or because of political objection to service for a disliked
Kaynak: Conscription
The Civilian Public Service (CPS) provided conscientious objectors in the United States an alternative to military service during World
Kaynak: Civilian Public Service
For the conscientious objector See Mark Wilkerson (conscientious objector) name Mark Wilkerson | image | caption | image_size |
Kaynak: Mark Wilkerson
Maximilian of Tebessa was a conscientious objector. He was killed for refusing to be conscripted. Cathars: Known in the Balkans as Bogomils
Kaynak: Pacifism
is simply a result of youth who are not interested in military service and wish to pursue other activities The conscientious objector s, i.e.
Kaynak: Refusal to serve in the Israeli military

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