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consanguineous ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

consanguineous anlamı

"consanguineous" için örnek kullanımlar

Congenital issues are many and more often than not due to consanguineous marriages.
Konjenital sorunlar çok ve daha sık değil akraba evliliği nedeniyle vardır.
Kaynak: postnoon.com
Their parents also had consanguineous marriage.
Aileleri de akraba evliliği vardı.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
He did not have parents who doted, not only with sweet and consanguineous affection, but also with experiences they could afford.
O tatlı ve akraba sevgi ile değil sadece, doted, ama aynı zamanda göze olabilir deneyimleri ile anne yoktu.
Kaynak: coloradoan.com
individuals with a collaterally consanguineous relationship share the same row The Knot System is a numerical notation that defines consanguinity
Kaynak: Consanguinity
This led to a gradual shift in concern from affinal unions, like those between a man and his deceased wife's sister, to consanguineous
Kaynak: Cousin marriage
restrictions on closely consanguineous marriages In countries where it is illegal, consensual adult incest is seen by some as a victimless crime
Kaynak: Incest
is the consanguineous name given to a noble family in Rajshahi of landed aristocracy in erstwhile East Bengal (present day Bangladesh
Kaynak: Singranatore family
They are neither collateral nor consanguineous relatives In many other instances the two beings are not of the same importance or power
Kaynak: Dualistic cosmology
Disownment is the formal act or condition of forcibly renouncing or no longer accepting one's consanguineous child as a member of one's
Kaynak: Disownment
Within the bounds of endogamy defined by the above parameters, close consanguineous unions are preferred due to a congruence of key
Kaynak: Caste system among South Asian Muslims
The disorder has been identified in approximately 350 families, with a significant proportion being consanguineous families The first
Kaynak: Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency
In 6 of 18 consanguineous families with Fraser syndrome, van Haelst et al. (2008) excluded linkage to both the FRAS1 and FREM2 genes,
Kaynak: Fraser syndrome
This disorder was discovered in two unrelated Israeli boys 3 and 5 years of age, each the offspring of consanguineous parents.
Kaynak: Congenital disorder of glycosylation type IIc
centers on Odewale, who is lured into a false sense of security, only to somehow get caught up in a somewhat consanguineous trail of events
Kaynak: The Gods Are Not To Blame
disorder first reported in 1939 by A. Nakajo in the offspring of consanguineous (blood relative) parents The syndrome can be characterized
Kaynak: Nakajo syndrome
in human brain development through the study of rare, consanguineous families with recessive forms of malformations of cortical development.
Kaynak: Murat Günel
It is due to consanguineous marriage or marriages between close relatives practiced in the community. This database keeps track of
Kaynak: Indian Genetic Disease Database
marriage in which the sons of one consanguineous group marry the daughters of the consanguineous group from which their mother originates.
Kaynak: Matrilateral
The peculiarities of the bird's mating were even unwittingly quoted in a eugenics article on consanguineous marriages in 1934: "A new,
Kaynak: Eoörnis pterovelox gobiensis
(2010), three Turkish individuals from two consanguineous families (the children of relatives such as cousins are said to be in a
Kaynak: Malpuech facial clefting syndrome
the practice of consanguineous marriage (marriage between second cousins or closer relatives) is common in some Jewish communities, which
Kaynak: Medical genetics of Jews

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