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conscience ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

conscience anlamı
1) vicdan
2) inanç

"conscience" için örnek kullanımlar

A freedom of conscience bill for medical professionals should be passed.
Tıp uzmanları için vicdan faturası bir özgürlüğü kabul edilmelidir.
Kaynak: journalstar.com
A. Hazare's was a loud message of conscience heard everywhere in India.
A. Hazare adlı Hindistan'da her yerde duydum vicdan gürültülü bir mesajdı.
Kaynak: ibnlive.in.com
Startup with a conscience sets sights on eyewear business.
Bir vicdan Başlangıç ​​gözlük iş yerlerini belirler.
Kaynak: therecord.com
For one thing, who determines this collective conscience?
Bir şey için, kim bu kolektif vicdanı belirler?
Kaynak: thedailybeast.com
Freedom of thought (also called the freedom of conscience or ideas) is the freedom of an individual to hold or consider a fact, viewpoint
Kaynak: Freedom of thought
conscience, and/or religion In general, conscientious objector status is only considered in the context of military conscription and is
Kaynak: Conscientious objector
A conscience vote or free vote is a type of vote in a legislative body where legislators are allowed to vote according to their own
Kaynak: Conscience vote
have necessarily violated individual conscience and the communal expressions of Africans and their communities by subverting African religions
Kaynak: Freedom of religion
Daena- is a Zoroastrian concept representing insight and revelation, hence "conscience" or "religion." Alternately, Daena is considered
Kaynak: Daena
I. D'Ève à Jésus (Le sacre de la femme ; La conscience ; Puissance égale bonté ; Les lions ; Le temple ; Booz endormi ; Dieu invisible au
Kaynak: La Légende des siècles
Prisoner of conscience (POC) is a term coined by Peter Benenson in a 28 May 1961 article ("The Forgotten Prisoners ") for the London
Kaynak: Prisoner of conscience

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