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despotical ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

despotical anlamı
1) despotça
2) zorbaca
3) despot

"despotical" için örnek kullanımlar

2 – Bombito and chorus of girls – If I was a ruler despotical, presumably properly paid. No. 3 – Anita – Once a sailor man I married, seven
Kaynak: Havana (Edwardian musical)
The subdued are under the conqueror's despotical authority, but only those who actually took part in the fighting. Those who were governed
Kaynak: Two Treatises of Government
fanatical, despotical, criminal, imperialist monster minimising his military victories (Battle of Lepanto , Battle of Saint Quentin , etc.)
Kaynak: Philip II of Spain

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