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dotage ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dotage anlamı
1) bunaklık
2) düşkünlük
3) ihtiyarlık
4) bunama
5) tutku

"dotage" için örnek kullanımlar

Gean West says he feels like Abraham, whom God made a father in his dotage.
Gean West Tanrı'nın kendi bunamak bir baba yapılan İbrahim gibi hissettiğini söylüyor.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
Harold Pinter could win because he became politically radical in his dotage.
Onun bunamak siyasi radikal oldu çünkü Harold Pinter kazanabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: esquire.com
I began with perch and it's probably that in my dotage, I'll finish with perch!
Ben levrek ile başladı ve bu benim bunaklık, ben levrek ile bitirmek edeceğiz muhtemelen!
Kaynak: edp24.co.uk
But the island is an example of aged leaders pushing on well into their dotage.
Ama adanın kendi bunaklık içine iyi iterek yaşlı liderleri bir örnektir.
Kaynak: blog.aarp.org
They were intended to replace the aging, rickety state railway line engines performing shunting duties in their dotage at large stations
Kaynak: DRG Class 80
It is an unscientific term, similar in meaning to the old terms dotage or senility . The current scientific term is senile dementia .
Kaynak: Second childhood
However, their fans will notice that creative dotage and standard rust hasn't eroded the Orchids' ability to craft toothsome pop
Kaynak: Good to Be a Stranger
Nay, but this dotage of our general's O'erflows the measure . . . His captain's heart,Which in the scuffles of great fights hath burst
Kaynak: Antony and Cleopatra
Unlike the man-eating lion, which only attacks man in its dotage, the ferocious tiger attacks at all ages and at any time; the battle-axe
Kaynak: 77th Armor Regiment (United States)
Despite this case of extreme old age, Scrooge has not appeared to be on dotage's door, and has been strong enough to keep up with his
Kaynak: Scrooge McDuck
Nor is Robinson's Merlin like Tennyson 's — a magician in his dotage falling a victim to the wiles of a false woman. He is a prophet
Kaynak: Merlin (Robinson)

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