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dotard ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dotard anlamı
1) bunak
2) moruk
1) bunak
2) bunamış

"dotard" için örnek kullanımlar

But they are only incoherent doodles done by a frenetic dotard in the anteroom of death. This had to be said for the record.
Kaynak: Douglas Cooper (art historian)
The Fair Circassian: To stop the eager dotard's fond delight,: And, rolling sideways from his hot embrace,: Scream'd out and fill'd with loud
Kaynak: Samuel Croxall
her unless a human couple should be found who were absolutely faithful, since she had championed the faithless girl wife of an aged dotard.
Kaynak: Oberon (poem)
retarded in intellectual development or mentally deficient (imbécile, dotard), lacks understanding (insipiens), different from normal
Kaynak: Wise fool
On hearing of the death of his only son, the Duc de Marny (by now a cripple and almost a dotard) is distraught. The Duc summons his
Kaynak: I Will Repay (novel)
his father's sententious advice; but during the evening Rainsford insults Old Forrest to his son's face, calling him a "fool" and "dotard."
Kaynak: Fortune by Land and Sea
I danced with "Doigt," wrestled and fenced with Roland, read to a rich dotard in the evenings, and sat up night after night to make up for
Kaynak: William Beattie (physician)
With a crew of three who Churchill described as "one dotard, one drunkard and the father of a thief" and 11 Italian soldier and sailor
Kaynak: Oliver Churchill
In an act of defiance, refusing to be the "dotard chamberlain of an upstart", Denethor then ends his life by igniting the pyre "ere
Kaynak: Denethor
described as "that idiot, that old dotard of a Francis Joseph But Ferdinand wanted extra territorial gains after the humiliation of the Balkan Wars.
Kaynak: Ferdinand I of Bulgaria
But like some kitchen-maid, preferred by the lust of some rich and noble dotard, was ashamed of her sudden and gaudy bravery, and for a
Kaynak: Elizabeth Cromwell
The Wife of Bath also uses this term, "For certeyn, olde dotard, by your leave/You shall have queynte right enough at eve ...
Kaynak: Cunt
mortals, lengthening the first syllable of the word morari, and he disregarded many of his decrees and acts as the work of a madman and a dotard.
Kaynak: Nero

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