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evangelical ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

evangelical anlamı
1) İncil'e ait
2) İncil'i öğretmeyle ilgili
3) Protestanlığa ait

"evangelical" için örnek kullanımlar

Some note that he has been unable to stem the loss of members to evangelical movements in Brazil.
O Brezilya evanjelik hareketlere üyelerinin kaybı durdurmak mümkün olmuştur Bazı unutmayın.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
For people who think Israel's founding is a good thing, Evangelical support for Israel is a source of comfort.
İsrail'in kurucu iyi bir şey olduğunu düşünen insanlar için, İsrail için Evanjelik destek rahatlık kaynağıdır.
Kaynak: algemeiner.com
For the 20 percent of students who do get engaged, their patterns of divorce closely mirror those of the evangelical church.
Yapan alabilirim öğrencilerin yüzde 20 için, boşanma kendi modellerini yakından evanjelik kilise örtüşür.
Kaynak: chimes.biola.edu
By the time of the Protestant Reformation , Protestant theologians began to embrace the term evangelical as referring to "gospel truth".
Kaynak: Evangelicalism
In the 16th century , the followers of Martin Luther established the evangelical (Lutheran ) churches of Germany and Scandinavia.
Kaynak: Protestantism
The term Evangelical Catholic is used by Christians who consider themselves both "catholic " and "evangelical" (meaning "gospel-centered
Kaynak: Evangelical Catholic
The Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) is an evangelical Christian denomination . merger of the Swedish Evangelical Free Church and
Kaynak: Evangelical Free Church of America
American evangelical and fundamentalist Protestantism: Certain American conservatives, fundamentalists and evangelicals believe that the
Kaynak: New Testament
The three evangelical counsels or counsels of perfection in Christianity are chastity , poverty (or perfect charity ), and obedience As
Kaynak: Evangelical counsels

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