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evangelist ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

evangelist anlamı
1) gezici vaiz
2) İncili yazanlardan her biri
3) evangelist kimse

"evangelist" için örnek kullanımlar

It was founded by William Booth and started as an evangelist ministry.
William Booth tarafından kurulan ve bir evangelist bakanlığı olarak başladı.
Kaynak: tnjn.com
"Cardinal Dolan is a great leader, and he's an Evangelist," said one.
"Kardinal Dolan büyük bir lider, o bir Evangelist var," dedi biri.
Kaynak: ny1.com
Gateway church pastor Steve Roberts will welcome TV evangelist Rev.
Ağ Geçidi Kilise papazı Steve Roberts TV misyoneri Rev ağırlayacak
Kaynak: southernminn.com
Therefore, I assume that a pope's primary purpose is to be a global evangelist.
Bu nedenle, bir papa birincil amacı küresel bir müjdeci olmak olduğunu varsayalım.
Kaynak: patheos.com
Christian groups who actively encourage evangelism are sometimes known as evangelistic or evangelist. but evangelist is used in (the
Kaynak: Evangelism
In the Latter Day Saint movement , an evangelist is an ordained office of the ministry. an evangelist is referred to as a patriarch (see
Kaynak: Evangelist (Latter Day Saints)
In addition, they saw the efforts of evangelist Billy Graham, who worked with non-evangelical denominations, such as the Roman Catholics
Kaynak: Evangelicalism
A technologist or technology evangelist is a person who attempts to build a critical mass of support for a given technology, in order to
Kaynak: Technology evangelist
However, while affiliate programs provide incentives in the form of money or products, evangelist customers spread their recommendations
Kaynak: Evangelism marketing
The second police character, usually known as The Chief, initially seems to be a gag character, an evangelist who comes to the door
Kaynak: List of Cluedo characters
John Nelson Darby (18 November 1800 – 29 April 1882) was an Anglo-Irish evangelist , and an influential figure among the original Plymouth
Kaynak: John Darby (evangelist)

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