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evangelism ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

evangelism anlamı
1) evangelizm
2) İncil'i yayma
3) Protestan mezhebi

"evangelism" için örnek kullanımlar

Lori MacVittie is responsible for education and evangelism at F5 Networks.
Lori Macvittie F5 Networks eğitim ve yaygınlaştırma konusunda sorumludur.
Kaynak: sys-con.com
Evangelism, Bible training, and publishing Scriptures in Farsi are illegal.
Farsça Evanjelizm, İncil eğitimi ve yayım Kutsal yasadışıdır.
Kaynak: mnnonline.org
"We go to the streets on a daily basis, it's called evangelism," Anthony Bush said.
"Biz günlük olarak sokaklara gidin, evanjelizm denir," Anthony Bush dedi.
Kaynak: kristv.com
They have a passion for evangelism, ministry and preaching.
Onlar Evangelizmi, bakanlık ve vaaz için bir tutku var.
Kaynak: christianchronicle.org
Varieties of evangelism: Platform evangelism is one kind of technology evangelism, by which the vendor of a two-sided platform attempts to
Kaynak: Technology evangelist
Platform evangelism (also called developer relations developer and platform evangelism developer advocacy or API evangelism) is the
Kaynak: Platform evangelism
Throughout history, Christian s have used many different approaches to spread Christianity via the practice of evangelism .
Kaynak: Approaches to evangelism
The word is a portmanteau of television and evangelism and was coined by Time magazine "Televangelists" are Christian ministers who
Kaynak: Televangelism
A missionary is a member of a religious group sent into an area to do evangelism or ministries of service, such as education , literacy
Kaynak: Missionary

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