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forked ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

forked anlamı
1) çatallı
2) çatal
3) çatal biçiminde

"forked" için örnek kullanımlar

Early in the evening, Eliza had forked onto my plate a tiny cube of raw tuna.
Erken akşam, Eliza benim plaka çiğ orkinos küçük bir küpün üzerine çatallı.
Kaynak: salon.com
Snakes have a forked or split tongue that helps them to smell and taste chemical composition in the air.
Yılanlar onları havada kimyasal bileşimi kokusu ve tadı için yardımcı olan bir çatallı veya bölünmüş dil var.
Kaynak: livescience.com
The fact that SNK chose to release it a month after users forked over four bucks is a bit disappointing.
SNK dört dolar üzerinde çatallı kullanıcıların bir ay sonra serbest bırakmak için seçti olması biraz hayal kırıklığı yaratıyor.
Kaynak: gametrailers.com
The sleeve was clearly made especially for the tree as it fits the trunk and the forked branches perfectly.
Mükemmel gövde ve çatallı dalları uyuyor gibi kollu açıkça özellikle ağaç için yapıldı.
Kaynak: wanganuichronicle.co.nz
Free and open source software is that which, by definition, may be forked from the original development team without prior permission
Kaynak: Fork (software development)
The attacking piece is called the forking piece; the pieces attacked are said to be forked. defended can still be forked, if the forking
Kaynak: Fork (chess)
If a forked process is simply going to call exec, the data space copied from the parent to the child by fork() is not used. This is
Kaynak: Fork (operating system)
A forked tongue is a tongue split into two distinct tines at the tip; this is a feature common to many species of reptile s.
Kaynak: Forked tongue
Asplenium septentrionale is a species of fern known by the common names northern spleenwort and forked spleenwort. It is native to
Kaynak: Asplenium septentrionale
Solanum furcatum is a species of nightshade known by the common name forked nightshade. It is native to South America. It is known
Kaynak: Solanum furcatum
Luzula divaricata is a species of flowering plant in the rush family known by the common name forked woodrush. It is native to the
Kaynak: Luzula divaricata
Bolitotherus cornutus is the scientific name of a species of darkling beetle that is also known under the vernacular name forked fungus
Kaynak: Bolitotherus cornutus

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