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frustrated ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

frustrated anlamı
1) hayal kırıklığına uğramış
2) engellenmiş
3) boşuna didinmiş
4) yılmış
5) hakkı yenmiş
6) amacına ulaşamamış

"frustrated" için örnek kullanımlar

Johan Petro admits to being frustrated by his role with the Hawks this season.
Johan Petro Hawks ile rolüyle bu sezon sinirli olma itiraf.
Kaynak: ajc.com
Home buyers frustrated by limited inventory as selling season looms.
Ev alıcılar sezon tezgahlarda satış olarak sınırlı stok ile sinirli.
Kaynak: articles.sun-sentinel.com
Cool Justice: Why cops frustrated by corruption turn to reporters.
Serin Adalet: Neden gazetecilere yolsuzluk dönüş sinirli polisler.
Kaynak: nhregister.com
12 March 2013. Frustrated people drawn to violent video games.
12 Mart 2013. Hüsrana uğramış insanların şiddet içeren video oyunları için çizilir.
Kaynak: health24.com
Failing in this, he/she may become frustrated and behave irrationally. An example of blockage of motivational energy would be the case of
Kaynak: Frustration
The term frustration, in the context of magnetic systems, has been introduced by Gerard Toulouse (1977 Indeed, frustrated magnetic
Kaynak: Geometrical frustration
An important limitation is that economic hardship, or a 'bad bargain', will not render a contract frustrated Thus in Davis Contractors v
Kaynak: Frustration in English law
because Larry knew her primary purpose for entering into the lease was to serve Tibetan Speckled Lizard, and that purpose has been frustrated.
Kaynak: Frustration of purpose
In chemistry, a frustrated Lewis pair is a compound or mixture containing a Lewis acid and a Lewis base that, because of steric hindrance
Kaynak: Frustrated Lewis pair
A spin glass is a disordered magnet with frustrated interactions , augmented by stochastic positions of the spins, where conflicting
Kaynak: Spin glass
Diary of a Mad Housewife is a 1970 drama film about a frustrated wife, portrayed by Carrie Snodgress , who was nominated for the Academy
Kaynak: Diary of a Mad Housewife

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