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frustum ne demek?

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"frustum" için örnek kullanımlar

You can also give it a width and height to know how many tiles fit in a camera's frustum.
Siz aynı zamanda bir kamera Frustum sığacak kaç fayans bilmek bir genişlik ve yükseklik verebilir.
Kaynak: gamedev.net
Another thing I'm not sure about is if I'm calculating my bounding sphere around a frustum correctly.
Ben doğru Frustum etrafında benim sınırlama küre hesaplanırken olsam emin değilim başka bir şeydir.
Kaynak: gamedev.net
Also, I wanted to ask you this, are those 400,000,000+ primitives always within your viewing frustum?
Ayrıca, bunu sormak istedim, bu 400,000,000 + ilkel görüntüleme Frustum içinde her zaman vardır?
Kaynak: gamedev.net
That way i only pass pont lights to the effect/shader if they have effect within the 'active node'/ frustum.
Bu da onların "aktif düğüm '/ Frustum içinde yürürlüğe varsa ben sadece etkisi / gölgelendiriciye pont ışıkları geçmek yoludur.
Kaynak: gamedev.net
In geometry , a frustum (plural: frusta or frustums) is the portion of a solid (normally a cone or pyramid ) that lies between two
Kaynak: Frustum
3D computer graphics , the viewing frustum or view frustum is the region of space in the modeled world that may appear on the screen; it is
Kaynak: Viewing frustum
Viewing frustum culling: The viewing frustum is a geometric representation of the volume visible to the virtual camera . Naturally, objects
Kaynak: Hidden surface determination
It can be thought of as a spherical cap with the top truncated, and so it corresponds to a spherical frustum . The surface of the
Kaynak: Spherical segment
The taper plug gage is an internal gage in the shape of the frustum of a cone . It is used to measure internal tapers. It has wide
Kaynak: Taper plug gage
It is named after Hero of Alexandria , and used in finding the volume of a frustum of a pyramid or cone . height of the frustum and the
Kaynak: Heronian mean
Problem 14: Volume of frustum of square pyramid: Image:Pyramide-tronquée-papyrus-Moscou 14. jpg | left Mathematical calculates the volume of a frustum .
Kaynak: Moscow Mathematical Papyrus
Pythagorean theorem about 1500 years before Pythagoras ; the Egyptians had a correct formula for the volume of a frustum of a square pyramid;
Kaynak: History of geometry
A second, simultaneous command arms the three nose cap thrusters (for deploying the pilot and drogue parachutes), the frustum ring
Kaynak: Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster
For example, the Moscow Papyrus gives a formula for calculating the volume of a truncated pyramid, or frustum South of Egypt the ancient
Kaynak: Geometry
Other bases may be used, such as an octagon , or a frustum with star section shape more common to pandoro . It is made during a long
Kaynak: Panettone
Rolo (pronounced "Roh-loh", referring to the roll-styled candy) is a brand of truncated-cone-shaped or frustum -shaped chocolate s with a
Kaynak: Rolo
(congruent rhombi )100px Cuboid (three pairs of rectangles )100px Cube (square )100px Quadrilateral frustum (apex-truncated square pyramid ) |
Kaynak: Hexahedron
first rendering the scene six times from a viewpoint, with the views defined by an orthogonal 90 degree view frustum representing each cube face
Kaynak: Cube mapping
Typically a Veronese product, pandoro is traditionally shaped like a frustum with an 8 pointed- star section. It is often served dusted
Kaynak: Pandoro
He gave the derivation of the volume of a frustum by a sort of infinite procedure. He worked with the concept of ardhaccheda: the number
Kaynak: Virasena
This usage can be applied to a triangle , parallelogram , trapezoids , cylinder , cone , pyramid , parallelopiped or frustum .
Kaynak: Base (geometry)
can be constructed by taking a square dipyramid (octahedron) and truncating the polar axis vertices, making is into two end-to-end frustum s.
Kaynak: Square bifrustum

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