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frustration ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

frustration anlamı
1) hüsran
2) düş kırıklığı
3) boşa çıkma
4) önleme
5) işini bozma

"frustration" için örnek kullanımlar

Chrome could soon end the frustration of hunting for noisy browser tabs.
Chrome yakında gürültülü tarayıcınızdan sekmeleri için av hayal kırıklığı bitebilir.
Kaynak: theverge.com
She later emailed Fred Meyer's parent, The Kroger Co., about her frustration.
Daha sonra onu hayal kırıklığı hakkında Fred Meyer ebeveyni, Kroger Co, gönderilecektir.
Kaynak: oregonlive.com
MTA's MetroCard fee could become new frustration for straphangers.
MTA MetroCard ücreti straphangers için yeni hayal kırıklığı haline gelebilir.
Kaynak: amny.com
Transcript for Illicit Maternity Hotels Create Public Health Concern, Frustration.
Yasadışı Annelik Otelleri için Transkript Halk Sağlığı endişe, Engellenme oluşturun.
Kaynak: abcnews.go.com
In psychology, frustration is a common emotional response to opposition. Related to anger and disappointment , it arises from the
Kaynak: Frustration
In condensed matter physics , the term geometrical frustration (or in short: frustration) refers to a phenomenon, where atom s tend to stick
Kaynak: Geometrical frustration
In the law of contract s, frustration of purpose is a defense to enforcement of the contract. Frustration of purpose occurs when an
Kaynak: Frustration of purpose
"Frustration " is an emotional response. In law: Frustration of purpose , as used in contract law. In science: Geometrical frustration , as
Kaynak: Frustration (disambiguation)
Proponents of Albert Ellis ' Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy cite a construct or concept they call low frustration tolerance, or "
Kaynak: Low frustration tolerance
It's a deeply personal statement that reflects the confusion and frustration in modern society." | Deryck Whibley. Reception: rev1 AbsolutePunk
Kaynak: Underclass Hero
The first is called avirodha-prīti, or unrestricted attachment, and the other is called virodha-yukta-krodha, anger arising from frustration.
Kaynak: Anger
of the larger environmental movement that emerged out of an ecocentrism -based frustration with the co-option of mainstream environmentalism.
Kaynak: Radical environmentalism
Dependency hell is a colloquial term for the frustration of some software users who have installed software packages which have
Kaynak: Dependency hell
Tilt is a poker term for a state of mental or emotional confusion or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy ,
Kaynak: Tilt (poker)

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