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fulfil ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fulfil anlamı
1) yerine getirmek
2) karşılamak
3) Tamamlamak
4) gidermek
5) yapmak
6) uygulamak
7) bitirmek

"fulfil" için örnek kullanımlar

Odisha: Congress seeks CM's intervention to fulfil teachers' demands.
Odisha: Kongre öğretmenlerin talepleri karşılamak için CM müdahale istiyor.
Kaynak: indiaeducationdiary.in
All the higher education institutions need to fulfil certain minimum requirements.
Bütün yüksek öğretim kurumları belirli minimum gereksinimleri yerine getirmek gerekir.
Kaynak: business-standard.com
Watford v Sheffield Wednesday: Wickham urged to relax in order to fulfil his potential.
Watford v Sheffield Wednesday: Wickham kendi potansiyelini gerçekleştirmek için dinlenmek için çağırdı.
Kaynak: yorkshirepost.co.uk
Spurgeons is a charitable organisation charity "providing the support that will enable these children to enjoy their childhood and fulfil
Kaynak: Spurgeons
Music which is designed to fulfil necessary functions in a military environment, and which accompanies pageants, parades, ceremonies,
Kaynak: Military and Processional music
Document composition is the process of creating documents that meet the needs of a business, to help them fulfil their business
Kaynak: Document composition
Essentially the couple continue to live separately from each other, as before their contract, and see each other to fulfil their needs in a
Kaynak: Nikah Misyar
Each programme features a different task and follows the scientists as they use their knowledge and ingenuity in attempting to fulfil it
Kaynak: Rough Science
The first buyer now has a specified period of time to fulfil all the buyer contingencies in the contract of sale, or cancel the contract
Kaynak: 72-hour clause
according to the scriptures, and therefore seek to fulfil together their common calling to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Kaynak: World Council of Churches
Before being allowed to join the EU, a state must fulfil the economic and political conditions generally known as the Copenhagen criteria
Kaynak: Member state of the European Union

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