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fulfilment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fulfilment anlamı
1) yerine getirme
2) Tamamlama
3) yapma

"fulfilment" için örnek kullanımlar

In almost all cases, people derive a sense of fulfilment from their work.
Hemen hemen tüm durumlarda, insanlar işten tatmin duygusu elde.
Kaynak: theaustralian.com.au
This reflects a 96 per cent fulfilment of the target that it had set.
Bu ayarlanmış olduğu, hedef bir yüzde 96 yerine getirilmesi yansıtır.
Kaynak: thehindu.com
2 The aesthetic value of an artwork does not depend on the fulfilment of the norm.
2. Bir sanat eserinin estetik değer norm yerine getirilmesine bağlı değildir.
Kaynak: psychiatrictimes.com
So here are five ideas for bringing meaning and fulfilment back into the job you have.
Yani burada var işin içine anlam ve tatmin geri getirmek için beş fikir.
Kaynak: blogs.wsj.com
Order fulfillment (in British English order fulfilment) is in the most general sense the complete process from point of sale s inquiry to
Kaynak: Order fulfillment
The dual fulfilment of prophecy (British English) or dual fulfillment (American English) or dual prophecy or duality in prophecy or present
Kaynak: Dual fulfillment
It was written as part of Goldoni's fulfilment of a boast that he had inserted into the epilogue to one of his plays that for the next
Kaynak: The Liar (Goldoni)
A purpose trust in English law is a trust created for the fulfilment of a purpose, not for the benefit of a person. With the exception of
Kaynak: Purpose trusts in English law
He claimed to be the prophetic fulfilment of Bábism , a 19th-century outgrowth of Shí‘ism , but in a broader sense claimed to be a
Kaynak: Bahá'u'lláh
authorlink Mary Lutyens | last Lutyens | first Mary | year 1983b | title Krishnamurti: the years of fulfilment | location New York |
Kaynak: Jiddu Krishnamurti
Because breach interferes with proper fulfilment, the primary remedy is accordingly aimed at fulfilment. Cancellation is an extraordinary
Kaynak: South African contract law
members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in remembrance of the fulfilment of the prophecy concerning the arrival of a spiritual son of
Kaynak: Promised Reformer Day
Christians believe this new covenant to be the "replacement" or "final fulfilment" of the Old Covenant described in the Old Testament or
Kaynak: Covenant (biblical)
members of the human family strive for its fulfilment, the DHDR formulates related duties and responsibilities for our current interdependence.
Kaynak: Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities

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