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fulgent ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fulgent anlamı
1) parlak
2) görkemli

"fulgent" için örnek kullanımlar

Film versions: what a fulgent sunshine ... fulgent sunshine, yes ... ' twas a day of this sort, the McGillicuddy brothers murdered their
Kaynak: Poppy (1923 musical)
Production: what a fulgent sunshine... fulgent sunshine, yes... ' twas a day of this sort, the McGillicuddy brothers murdered their mother
Kaynak: Poppy (1936 film)
nonetheless, in trying to render fulgent the fuliginous, to make clear things that are tacit and cloudy, that have no name until painted….."
Kaynak: Pete Hoida

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