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fulfilling ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"fulfilling" için örnek kullanımlar

Health care volunteers fulfilling a vital role in patient care, advocacy.
Hasta bakımı, savunuculuk hayati bir rol yerine Sağlık gönüllüleri.
Kaynak: specialsections.suntimes.com
Your guidance to your children is that work is not supposed to be fulfilling.
Çocuğunuza Sizin rehberlik çalışmaları yerine gerekiyordu olmasıdır.
Kaynak: gpb.org
Cool, calm, collected: Thornton fulfilling potential as a sophomore.
Serin, sakin, toplanan: Thornton ikinci olarak potansiyelini.
Kaynak: flathatnews.com
Unfortunately, I won't be fulfilling my dreams of joining the band anytime soon.
Ne yazık ki, ben yakın zamanda grubun katılma hayallerimi gerçekleştirmek olmayacak.
Kaynak: perthnow.com.au
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy
Kaynak: Self-fulfilling prophecy
Self-fulfilling crisis refers to a situation that a financial crisis is not directly caused by the unhealthy economic fundamental
Kaynak: Self-fulfilling crisis
Consumer cooperatives are enterprises owned by consumers and managed democratically which aim at fulfilling the needs and aspirations of
Kaynak: Consumer cooperative
A self-defeating prophecy is the complementary opposite of a self-fulfilling prophecy : a prediction that prevents what it predicts from
Kaynak: Self-defeating prophecy
(Portuguese for National Library of Portugal) is the Portuguese national library , fulfilling the function of legal deposit and copyright
Kaynak: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Konak (residence), a large house, a mansion in Turkey, possibly also fulfilling administrative functions, such as a governor's mansion
Kaynak: Konak
Campus Compact is a coalition of college and university presidents , committed to fulfilling the public purposes of higher education .
Kaynak: Campus Compact
A self-validating reduction is kind of self-fulfilling prophecy of which the result is a dramatic reduction in a person, group, or natural
Kaynak: Self-validating reduction
Chintamani or Cintamani (jewel), a wish-fulfilling jewel in both Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Places : Chintamani, Karnataka , a town in
Kaynak: Chintamani
The Arabic word qada (قُضِي) means literally "carrying out or fulfilling". In Islamic jurisprudence it refers to fulfilling or
Kaynak: Qada (Islamic term)
Behavioural confirmation is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy whereby people's social expectations (based more on social beliefs than
Kaynak: Behavioural confirmation
Wizzo Band was formed by Roy Wood after Wizzard split in 1975, fulfilling his ambitions to create an outfit that was more jazz -oriented
Kaynak: Wizzo Band
Nigeria 's Defence Intelligence Agency was created when, in 1986, fulfilling one of the promises made in his first national address as
Kaynak: Defence Intelligence Agency (Nigeria)
Safety play in contract bridge is a generic name for plays in which declarer maximizes the chances for fulfilling the contract (or
Kaynak: Safety play
In politics, gridlock refers to the difficulty of passing laws fulfilling a party's political agenda in a legislature that is nearly
Kaynak: Gridlock (politics)
Ultimate Revenge is a reality TV program about fulfilling the fantasy of anyone who wants to seek revenge on their nearest and dearest.
Kaynak: Ultimate Revenge

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