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fulgurite ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"fulgurite" için örnek kullanımlar

He and Shane go to dig up a bone, while Dean and Hayley are in charge of the frozen energy, which is fulgurite.
Dean ve Hayley fulgurite olan dondurulmuş enerji, sorumlu iken O ve Shane, bir kemik kazıp gidin.
Kaynak: yidio.com
The silica and quartz bulk content confirms the terrestrial fulgurite explanation, further discards the meteorite hypothesis, as any silica in a meteorite would be present in trace amounts.
Toplu içeriği bir göktaşı herhangi silis gibi karasal fulgurite açıklama, göktaşı hipotezi ileri attığı, onaylar silis ve kuvars eser miktarda mevcut olacaktır.
Kaynak: extremetech.com
However, fulgurite , a glassy, tube-like mineral that forms when lightning fuses quartz sands, is prevalent in electrically-active regions
Kaynak: Paleolightning
The spire-like shape of Thielsen attracts lightning strikes and causes the formation of fulgurite , an unusual mineral. The prominent horn
Kaynak: Mount Thielsen
The result is an irregular, branching, often foamy hollow tube of silica glass called a fulgurite . Lechatelierite also forms as the result
Kaynak: Lechatelierite
fulgurite is sand fused by a lightning bolt hitting sand. tektite is sand fused by the compressive heat of a meteor strike including
Kaynak: Vitrified sand
In nature, vitrification of quartz occurs when lightning strikes sand , forming hollow, branching rootlike structures called fulgurite
Kaynak: Glass
(fulgurite The silica and quartz bulk content confirms the terrestrial fulgurite explanation, and further discards the meteorite
Kaynak: Polonnaruwa (meteorite)
Fulgurites: Fulgurite. Lightning strikes on sandy soil can produce fulgurite s. These root-shaped tubes of melted and fused sand grains are
Kaynak: Lightning strike
A wide variety of objects have been stereographed in this fashion, including figurines fulgurite s fossils mineral specimens seeds and even
Kaynak: Scanography
000 replicas of a fulgurite created by the lightning strike; in 2000 he collaborated with the Pioneers Museum in the desert community of
Kaynak: Allan McCollum
about the source of australites included volcanoes, the bushfire s that are common in Australia, or fusion of sand by lightning (fulgurite s).
Kaynak: Australite

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