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indubitable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

indubitable anlamı
1) kesin
2) şüphesiz
3) kuşkusuz
4) şüphe edilemez

"indubitable" için örnek kullanımlar

Sergei Mikhalkov would use his indubitable authority to support and intercede for talented young authors.
Sergei Mikhalkov desteklemek ve yetenekli genç yazarlar için şefaat yaptığı kesin yetkisini kullanmak istiyorsunuz.
Kaynak: english.ruvr.ru
from many folk pieces to make a new song, and it is indubitable that it was Belafonte who popularised the song outside the Caribbean Islands .
Kaynak: Jamaica Farewell
the third justificatory condition is to be given in non-epistemic terms such as "is deducible from" or "is indubitable." Still, the
Kaynak: Meta-epistemology
The influence upon the music of Erbach was primarily Venetian notwithstanding the indubitable characteristics of Hans Leo Haßler within
Kaynak: Christian Erbach
The first two meditations, which employed the skeptical methodic doubt and concluded that only the ego and its thoughts are indubitable,
Kaynak: Meditations on First Philosophy
The dog is a dirty, smelly body detested by the housekeeper who wants him and his owner out, but it's precisely this indubitable physical
Kaynak: On the Mountain
Here arrived the Senor and Governor Don Francisco Manuel de Silva Nieto Whose indubitable arm and valour Have overcome the impossible With
Kaynak: Francisco Manuel de Silva Nieto
including Peladic's work of the time, was an indirect but indubitable premonition of the coming cataclysm, a sign of the tortuous
Kaynak: Without Without Title
Classical empiricists generally held that such reports are indubitable and incorrigible and therefore worthy of serving as
Kaynak: Foundationalism

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