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indubitably ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"indubitably" için örnek kullanımlar

Any visitor will indubitably form a distinct idea of this new Warsaw.
Herhangi bir ziyaretçinin indubitably bu yeni Varşova farklı bir fikir oluşturacaktır.
Kaynak: online.wsj.com
Yet it is indubitably the Spaniards who possess the fear factor.
Oysa indubitably korku faktörü sahip İspanyollar'ın.
Kaynak: blogs.channel4.com
The movie would be a turning point in his life, indubitably.
Film indubitably, hayatında bir dönüm noktası olacaktır.
Kaynak: hillpost.in
But the amount of detail obtained is indubitably worth it.
Fakat elde edilen ayrıntı miktarını indubitably buna değer.
Kaynak: gamingbolt.com
for his poetry and another for his biography of Abraham Lincoln . H. L. Mencken called Sandburg "indubitably an American in every pulse-beat".
Kaynak: Carl Sandburg
While no indubitably attributable sculpture by Praxiteles is extant, numerous copies of his works have survived; several author s,
Kaynak: Praxiteles
Profuse testimonials and copious tales of her miraculous cures and indubitably astounding powers of intercession for other blessings from
Kaynak: Our Lady of Manaoag
Together, these puppets spoke the cereal's tagline of "it's indubitably delicious." "The original commercials in the 1960s featured Linus
Kaynak: Crispy Critters
Seventeen chansons courtoises can be assigned indubitably to Gautier, fifteen with music and three more are probably his, all with music
Kaynak: Gautier de Dargies
While it was indubitably affected by the economic downturn, it has nonetheless seen profits in the region of £36 million pounds since 2010
Kaynak: Dickson Minto
cannot affirm the Catalanity of this beautiful and ingenious poem indubitably ro:Aurelio Roncaglia | Aurelio Roncaglia (1961) suggests it
Kaynak: Cançó de Santa Fe
"Powerful, well-knit with indubitably true and biting satire," said Photoplay As a promotion device, the April 15, 1919, issue of Moving
Kaynak: Bolshevism on Trial
Sean's close relationship with KISS manager Bill Aucoin (the two were "room-mates," 1969-80) indubitably played a huge part in the early
Kaynak: Sean Delaney (musician)
Taking into account that C4c is deeply rooted in the Asian portion of the mtDNA phylogeny and is indubitably of Asian origin, a scenario
Kaynak: Solutrean hypothesis
There is indubitably an integration and simultaneity of subjects that intertwine to present the viewer the episteme of the post modern
Kaynak: COOPER (artist)
in Tindouf camps, for more than twenty five years, adding that Argentina has always upheld a clear stance: The Sahara is indubitably Moroccan.
Kaynak: Argentina–Morocco relations
Children: Thus, the child's gender is indubitably female. Paper masks: In contrast to the painted portraits, the paper masks were less concerned
Kaynak: Tomb of Aline
it was given a laudatory (unsigned) review by Coventry Patmore , who called it "indubitably the best poem ever written out of Great Britain."
Kaynak: Charles Heavysege
popular image of Descartes's philosophy of mind as narrowly concerned only with the indubitably known immaterial mind of the solitary meditator."
Kaynak: Lilli Alanen
Whatever the efficacy of Cogdell's dietary program, her daughter was indubitably gifted. Recognized as a prodigy at an early age, she was
Kaynak: Philippa Schuyler
coerced by the emotion being deployed" but added, "C lassy is indubitably what this film is - as well as intelligent, high-minded, and touching
Kaynak: Last Orders (film)

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