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inducement ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inducement anlamı
1) teşvik
2) yönlendirme
3) rüşvet
4) ikna
5) neden
6) sebep
7) kandırma
8) rüşvet verme

"inducement" için örnek kullanımlar

The Bank's logic is that this is an inducement to lend, and lend at low rates.
Banka'nın mantığı bu borç ve düşük fiyatla ödünç bir teşvik olmasıdır.
Kaynak: harboroughmail.co.uk
Inducement prizes, on the other hand, aim to change behaviour.
Yönlendirme ödül, diğer taraftan, davranışlarını değiştirmek için amaçlanmıştır.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
Free trips to annual meetings in Aspen and Monte Carlo sweeten the inducement to join as a rep.
Aspen ve Monte Carlo yıllık toplantılarına Ücretsiz geziler bir temsilcisi olarak katılmak için teşvik tatlandırmak.
Kaynak: nzherald.co.nz
An ironclad benefits package and the effective guarantee of lifetime employment is inducement enough.
Bir zırhlı teminat paketi ve ömür boyu istihdam etkili garantisidir yeterince teşvik olduğunu.
Kaynak: pennlive.com
The inducement rule is a test a United States court can use to determine whether liability for copyright infringement committed by third
Kaynak: Inducement rule
An inducement prize contest (IPC) is a competition that awards a cash prize for the accomplishment of a feat, usually of engineering.
Kaynak: Inducement prize contest
Fraud in the factum is often contrasted with fraud in the inducement. Fraud in the factum is a legal defense, and occurs where A makes/
Kaynak: Fraud in the factum
The Centennial Challenges are NASA space competition inducement prize contest s for non-government-funded technological achievements by
Kaynak: Centennial Challenges
The H-Prize program is series of inducement prizes intended to encourage research into the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier in a
Kaynak: H-Prize
The Tricorder X PRIZE is a inducement prize contest announced by the X Prize Foundation on 10 May 2011 and subsequently launched on 10
Kaynak: Tricorder X PRIZE
Golden boot compensation, also known as the 'Golden Boot', is an inducement , using maximum incentives and financial benefits, for an older
Kaynak: Golden boot compensation
Buddleja davidii Cardinal is a Dutch cultivar , from the Ebben Nursery at Cuijk in North Brabant, raised by colchicine inducement from '
Kaynak: Buddleja davidii 'Cardinal'
The court denied the request, rejecting the notion that the other actions had any bearing on the inducement case, except to the extent
Kaynak: Arista Records LLC v. Lime Group LLC
Two types of intrinsic fraud in contract law are fraud in the inducement and fraud in the factum. Fraud in the factum is a legal defense,
Kaynak: Intrinsic fraud

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