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intromission ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

intromission anlamı
1) kabul etme
2) içeri alma
3) içine sokma
4) araya sokma

"intromission" için örnek kullanımlar

Vicious intromission is a term of Scots law denoting the unauthorised assumption of ownership, or other interference with the rights of an
Kaynak: Vicious intromission
This theory has been replaced by intromission theory , which states that visual perception comes from something representative of the
Kaynak: Emission theory (vision)
(as held by Euclid in his Optica) and in favor of intromission theory , as supported by thinkers such as Aristotle , the now accepted
Kaynak: Book of Optics
the intromission of the legal system in matters of conscience, and to rethink the participation of Christians in political and social change.
Kaynak: Guillermo W. Méndez
In this text, several situations of decreolization / Portuguese intromission can be noted: cú quêm / c' quêm Portuguese order of words com
Kaynak: Cape Verdean Creole
The second theory, the intromission theory supported by Aristotle and his followers, had physical forms entering the eye from an object.
Kaynak: Alhazen
He combined observation s, experiment s and rational arguments to support his intromission theory of vision , in which rays of light
Kaynak: History of scientific method
After Mazinger's intromission, Gorgon goes down to the Mikene underworld to inform the General of Darkness about the situation.
Kaynak: Mazinger Z vs. The Great General of Darkness
A pup may be mounted by its abductor but intromission does not occur. While abducting pups does not give males immediate reproductive
Kaynak: South American sea lion
Unlike most murid s, copulatory behavior lacks intravaginal thrusting, the intromission thrust is more intense than the dismount, there
Kaynak: Florida mouse

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