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introspection ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

introspection anlamı
1) içgözlem

"introspection" için örnek kullanımlar

In fact, he added context after some retrospection and perhaps introspection.
Aslında, bazı geçmişe ve belki içgözlem sonra bağlam ekledi.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
There's also a cover of "Introspection" by the 1960s garage rockers Faine Jade.
1960 garaj rock Faine Jade tarafından "Içgözlem" bir kapak da bulunuyor.
Kaynak: fuse.tv
McLaren said there has been much introspection from the attack in the aftermath.
McLaren sonrasında meydana gelen saldırıda çok içgözlem olmuştur dedi.
Kaynak: espncricinfo.com
At the same time, this is a moment of introspection for the Swiss.
Aynı zamanda, bu İsviçre için iç gözlem andır.
Kaynak: bloomberg.com
Introspection is examination of one's own conscious thought s and feeling s In psychology the process of introspection relies exclusively
Kaynak: Introspection
In computing , type introspection is the ability of a program to examine the type or properties of an object at runtime . Some
Kaynak: Type introspection
The introspection illusion is a cognitive bias in which people wrongly think they have direct insight into the origins of their mental
Kaynak: Introspection illusion
Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to reconcile oneself as an individual separate from the environment and
Kaynak: Self-awareness
The positive introspection axiom: This property and the next state that an agent has introspection about its own knowledge, and are
Kaynak: Epistemic modal logic
Human self-reflection is the capacity of human s to exercise introspection and the willingness to learn more about their fundamental
Kaynak: Human self-reflection
introspection , memory , creativity , imagination , idea , belief , reasoning , volition , and emotion —in other words, all the things
Kaynak: Mental process
Psychological mindedness (PM) is an individual's capacity for self-examination, self-observation , introspection and personal insight .
Kaynak: Psychological mindedness
inside looking” or “introspection ”) is a structured method of self-reflection developed by Yoshimoto Ishin (1916-1988) a businessman
Kaynak: Naikan
IPython is an interactive shell for the Python programming language that offers enhanced introspection , additional shell syntax, tab
Kaynak: IPython
It accepts the use of the scientific method , and generally rejects introspection as a valid method of investigation - in contrast with
Kaynak: Cognitive psychology

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