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introspect ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

introspect anlamı
1) kendi duygularını ölçmek
2) içgözlem yapmak

"introspect" için örnek kullanımlar

It uses an Autonomy product, Introspect, as a document management tool.
Bu doküman yönetimi aracı olarak, bir Özerklik ürün, içgözlem kullanır.
Kaynak: businessweekly.co.uk
Roma Patel's works make one contemplate, meditate and introspect.
Roma Patel eserlerden biri meditasyon ve iç gözlem, tefekkür yapmak.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
We see the need for movies that make people think, introspect, and yes … change.
Biz insanları düşündürmek filmler, içgözlem ve evet ... değişim ihtiyacını bakın.
Kaynak: businessofcinema.com
The language and style used made the reader to introspect and question,'' he said.
Dil ve üslup içgözlem ve soruya okuyucu yapılan kullanılır'' dedi.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
For example, people generally see themselves as less conformist than others, and this seems to be because they do not introspect any urge
Kaynak: Introspection
Studies that ask participants to introspect upon their reasoning (for liking, choosing, or believing something, etc.) tend to see a
Kaynak: Introspection illusion
Water is a dark introspect into the tales of rural Indian widows in the 1940s and covers controversial subjects such as misogyny and
Kaynak: Water (2005 film)
The data structures and transport mechanisms of the data are “transparent” so that we can introspect on our representations of perceptions
Kaynak: Self-model theory of subjectivity
They used it on hot days as a place to rest and introspect. Portuguese Poetess Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen , who was from Porto , spent
Kaynak: Praia da Granja
While he is in Africa, without the emotional chaos of his personal life, Greville begins to introspect, writing and trying to make sense
Kaynak: Natalie Natalia

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