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invidious ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

invidious anlamı
1) haksız
2) kıskandırıcı
3) kırıcı

"invidious" için örnek kullanımlar

The Quinns' lawyers said the distinction is "arbitrary" and "invidious".
Quinns avukatları ayrım "keyfi" ve "haksız" olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: breakingnews.ie
Major research efforts are underway to combat this invidious disease.
Başlıca araştırma çabaları bu haksız hastalıkla mücadele için çalışmalar devam etmektedir.
Kaynak: eurekalert.org
12:18pm: Yet again we're faced with an invidious choice, writes BusinessDay's Michael Pascoe.
12:18: Yine biz bir haksız bir seçim ile karşı karşıya konum, BusinessDay Michael Pascoe yazıyor.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
The invidious stereotypes are utterly familiar.
Kıskandırıcı klişeler tamamen aşina olan.
Kaynak: newswithviews.com
Moreover, invidious consumption, a more specialized sociological term, denotes the deliberate conspicuous consumption of goods and
Kaynak: Conspicuous consumption
"The Court held an amendment of a city charter to discriminate against minorities, and constitute a real, substantial, and invidious denial
Kaynak: Hunter v. Erickson
that 1159, as written, unconstitutionally imposed an "invidious prior restraint" without ascertainable standards for the granting of
Kaynak: Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham
For the nation to remain strong, we must continue to struggle together to fight bias and invidious discrimination, to promote equality of
Kaynak: Citizens' Commission on Civil Rights
(f)(1)(D) constituted invidious discrimination against female wage earners by affording them less protection for their surviving spouses
Kaynak: Califano v. Goldfarb
significant facts of history are necessarily sinister, and that "history itself is a story of causes mostly insidious and results mostly invidious."
Kaynak: Furtive fallacy
"neutral in origin," the policy was being maintained for invidious purposes in violation of appellees' Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment rights.
Kaynak: Rogers v. Lodge
make classifications, states are not permitted to classify in a way that constitutes "invidious discrimination against a particular class."
Kaynak: Levy v. Louisiana
arguing that comparisons with the other nominees can be invidious Classical acts to have an album nominated have included Sir John Tavener
Kaynak: Mercury Prize
the sole purpose of making an invidious distinction based on pecuniary strength, the demonstration of wealth being the basis for social status.
Kaynak: Thorstein Veblen
It can scarcely be his meaning that his Professor should attempt the invidious task of harmonizing the possibly divergent accounts given
Kaynak: John Alexander Smith
This ability can to a large extent be explained by the consumer's need for invidious consumption for which he is willing to pay a premium
Kaynak: Aspirational brand
A good deal of invidious feeling had arisen in connection with the duties of the office, and Bowles's appointment is said to have been
Kaynak: George Bowles (British Army officer)
does have a constitutional obligation to avoid providing financial assistance to schools that practice racist or other invidious discrimination
Kaynak: Norwood v. Harrison

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