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inveterate ne demek?

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inveterate anlamı
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"inveterate" için örnek kullanımlar

Humans are inveterate symbol users and immensely sophisticated ones.
İnsanlar müzmin sembolü kullanıcılar ve son derece sofistike olanlardır.
Kaynak: ncregister.com
Johnson, an inveterate marathoner, had just run in the Iditarod Trail Invitational.
Johnson, iflah olmaz bir maratoncu, sadece Iditarod Trail Invitational içinde kaçmıştı.
Kaynak: wahpetondailynews.com
It gives the best outcomes to the most inveterate bad actors.
Bu en kökleşmiş kötü aktörler için iyi sonuçlar verir.
Kaynak: thedailybeast.com
Sood is an inveterate member of the technology industry.
Sood teknoloji endüstrisinin bir müzmin üyesidir.
Kaynak: engadget.com
Arthur Ashley Sykes (1684–1756) was an Anglican religious writer, known as an inveterate controversialist. Sykes was a latitudinarian of
Kaynak: Arthur Ashley Sykes
Ivor Spencer-Thomas (11 April 1907 - 30 August 2001) was an inveterate inventor and improviser, in the forefront of developing agriculture
Kaynak: Ivor Spencer-Thomas
Menesaechmus (Mενεσαιχμος; lived during the 4th century BC), an Athenian and an inveterate enemy of the orator Lycurgus , by whom he was
Kaynak: Menesaechmus
Later investigation brought out the fact that the reactionary leader, Prince Tuan, was the most inveterate enemy of the besieged, whilst
Kaynak: Ronglu
As part of his legacy, he obtained a reputation of being an inveterate pagan who diverted attempts in Christianizing his country to a
Kaynak: Gediminas
He is an inveterate performer, playing mainly guitar , saxophone and bass clarinet . Sharp has led many ensemble s over the years,
Kaynak: Elliott Sharp
"inveterate Southern duel ist nicknamed "The Black Knight of the South", he was also a poet. James H. Street used him as the model for
Kaynak: Alexander Keith McClung
However, there is a considerable population of inveterate smokers who are unable or unwilling to achieve abstinence Harm reduction may be
Kaynak: Tobacco harm reduction
As a politician and writer, he was an inveterate believer in Manifest Destiny and was a visionary booster of new settlement to the West,
Kaynak: William Gilpin (governor)
Bricriu, an inveterate troublemaker, invites the nobles of the Ulaid to a feast at his new house at Dún Rudraige (Dundrum, County Down
Kaynak: Fled Bricrenn
He was an inveterate traveler and for about 20 years spent his summers abroad. From about 1870 he contributed continually to periodicals.
Kaynak: Laurence Hutton
He was an "inveterate English hater active in the wars known as The Rough Wooing and a noted Border reiver . He was killed in the streets
Kaynak: Walter Scott of Branxholme and Buccleuch
For example, Stella Street s Jack Nicholson is an inveterate womaniser, drug taker, and has a tacky line in Hawaiian shirts.
Kaynak: Stella Street
The most intriguing (and entertaining) member of the trio is Dooley (Rooney), an inveterate gambler who runs a floating crap game up and
Kaynak: The Bold and the Brave
archbishop of Canterbury, who was appalled by his election and warned the clergy that Cheyne was an inveterate 'enemy' of the contemporary church.
Kaynak: John Cheyne (speaker)
song "Gee " (1953 Sometime in 1955 Goldner (an inveterate gambler) sold 50% of Gee to Joe Kolsky who was a business partner of Morris Levy .
Kaynak: Gee Records
And the United States dollar reached very low levels, something Sinclair, an inveterate market watcher, was keenly aware of. "
Kaynak: The Americans (commentary)
The party itself gathered both communists and left-wing socialists, united in an inveterate struggle against EU membership. Its official
Kaynak: Common Course

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