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investor ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

investor anlamı
1) yatırımcı
2) sermayedar

"investor" için örnek kullanımlar

Alleged misrepresentations also spurred an investor lawsuit against Fisker.
İddiaları yanlış beyanlar da Fisker karşı bir yatırımcı dava tetikledi.
Kaynak: nlpc.org
So if you're a sensible investor, you won't have paid much attention to all the battery stuff.
Eğer mantıklı bir yatırımcı eğer öyleyse, tüm pil şeyler çok dikkat ödemiş olmaz.
Kaynak: newstatesman.com
"Strong activity numbers will help maintain investor expectations that the U.S. economic recovery
"Güçlü aktivite numaraları yatırımcı beklentileri korumaya yardımcı olacağı ABD ekonomisinin
Kaynak: cnbc.com
An investor is someone who allocates capital with the expectation of a financial return. The types of investments include, — gambling and
Kaynak: Investor
An angel investor or angel (also known as a business angel or informal investor) is an affluent individual who provides capital for a
Kaynak: Angel investor
The common usage of investment to describe speculation has had a effect in real life aswell: it reduced investor capacity to discern
Kaynak: Investment
to a person or entity engaging in the trading of equity securities, in the capacity of agent, hedger, arbitrageur, speculator , or investor.
Kaynak: Stock trader
A real estate entrepreneur or a real estate investor to a lesser extent is someone who actively or passively invests in real estate .
Kaynak: Real estate entrepreneur
Accredited investor is a term defined by various countries' securities laws that delineates investors permitted to invest in certain types
Kaynak: Accredited investor

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