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investigator ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

investigator anlamı
1) araştırmacı
2) dedektif
3) müfettiş

"investigator" için örnek kullanımlar

"GPI is the next big step in this field," says Macintosh, the principal investigator for the project.
"GPI bu alanda sonraki büyük adım," Macintosh, proje için sorumlu araştırmacı diyor.
Kaynak: rdmag.com
"She admitted that she was given Propofol as she underwent Carboxytherapy," a police investigator said.
"O Karboksiterapi yapıldı gibi o propofol verildi itiraf," Bir polis müfettişi söyledi.
Kaynak: english.chosun.com
And it doesn't take a CFTC investigator to realise that the easiest way to improve margin is to charge you more.
Ve marjı iyileştirmek için en kolay yolu daha fazla ücret olduğunu fark etmek CFTC araştırmacı almaz.
Kaynak: ft.com
But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.
Ama Sherlock onu özgeçmiş yararlı bulur ve Watson o araştırmacı oynamak için bir püf noktası vardır gerçekleştirmektedir.
Kaynak: tvequals.com
Investigator may refer to: Clinical investigator , an investigator involved in a clinical trial. Detective , a person who investigates crimes
Kaynak: Investigator
A private investigator (often abbreviated to PI and informally called a private eye), a private detective or inquiry agent, is a person who
Kaynak: Private investigator
A detective is an investigator, either a member of a police agency or a private person. The latter may be known as private investigator s
Kaynak: Detective
Special agent is usually the title for a detective or investigator for a state, county, municipal, federal or tribal government.
Kaynak: Special agent (United States)
A clinical investigator involved in a clinical trial is responsible for ensuring that an investigation is conducted according to the signed
Kaynak: Clinical investigator
An insurance investigator examines matters pertaining to insurance claims that are suspicious or otherwise in doubt for some reason.
Kaynak: Insurance investigator
most often done by government police forces . Private investigator s are also commonly hired to complete or assist in criminal investigations.
Kaynak: Criminal investigation
A principal investigator (PI) is the lead scientist or engineer for a particular well-defined science (or other research) project, such as
Kaynak: Principal investigator

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