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investiture ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

investiture anlamı
1) üniforma
2) aTama
3) tören
4) resmi elbise

"investiture" için örnek kullanımlar

Dr. Park will be a featured speaker at the inauguration prior to the formal investiture.
Dr Parkı resmi üniforma öncesinde açılışına konuşmacı olacak.
Kaynak: chadrad.com
Another famous Olympian Sir Ben Ainslie, 36, will be knighted during the investiture ceremony.
Başka bir ünlü Olympian Sir Ben Ainslie, 36, üniforma törenle şövalye olacak.
Kaynak: standard.co.uk
He received the award at an investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace hosted by the Princess Royal.
O Princess Royal tarafından barındırılan Buckingham Sarayı'nda bir üniforma törenle ödülünü aldı.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
She was alongside Olympic and Paralympic athletes, including Sir Ben Ainslie, at the investiture ceremony.
O üniforma töreninde, Olimpiyat ve Sir Ben Ainslie dahil Paralimpik sporcular, yanında oldu.
Kaynak: kentnews.co.uk
In the 11th and 12th centuries, the Donation was often cited in the investiture conflicts between the papacy and the secular powers in
Kaynak: Donation of Constantine
A coronation is a ceremony marking the formal investiture of a monarch and/or their consort with regal power, usually involving the
Kaynak: Coronation
Henry I of England as a result of the investiture controversy , the most significant conflict between Church and state in Medieval Europe.
Kaynak: Anselm of Canterbury
The Honours of the Principality of Wales are the Crown Jewels used at the investiture of Princes of Wales . They include a coronet , a
Kaynak: Honours of the Principality of Wales

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