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isolated ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

isolated anlamı
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"isolated" için örnek kullanımlar

But that also includes being isolated from the V8's heady aural pleasures.
Ama bu da içerir V8 kafa işitsel zevkleri izole ediliyor.
Kaynak: thenational.ae
breadboarded no luck, isolated mem sticks no luck, cmos battery no luck.
hayır şans breadboarded, izole mem cmos pil, hayır şans hayır şans yapışır.
Kaynak: tomshardware.com
The trio's success was not isolated on day one of the national titles.
Üçlü başarısı ulusal başlıkları bir günde izole değildi.
Kaynak: themercury.com.au
Motum was isolated, and Andrews would have little to no help defense.
Motum izole oldu ve Andrews hiçbir yardım savunma az olurdu.
Kaynak: uwdawgpound.com
Solitary confinement is a special form of imprisonment in which a prisoner is isolated from any human contact, though often with the
Kaynak: Solitary confinement
In topology , a branch of mathematics , a point x of a topological space X is called an isolated point of a subset S of X if x belongs to
Kaynak: Isolated point
In chess , an isolated pawn is a pawn which has no friendly pawn on an adjacent file . An isolated queen 's pawn is often called an
Kaynak: Isolated pawn
Uncontacted people, also referred to as isolated people or lost tribes, are communities who live, or have lived, either by choice (people
Kaynak: Uncontacted peoples
In the natural sciences an isolated system is a physical system without any external exchange – neither matter nor energy can enter or
Kaynak: Isolated system
populations of the same species become vicariant — isolated from each other to an extent that prevents or interferes with genetic interchange.
Kaynak: Allopatric speciation
Albania was isolated from other states while it was under communist control from 1944 to 1990. Known officially as the People's Republic
Kaynak: Isolationism
fragmentation becomes so divergent that species movement between one suitable habitat to the next is disrupted, isolated population can be produced.
Kaynak: Disjunct distribution
The following sortable table lists the Earth's 40 most topographically isolated summits. | + The 40 most topographically isolated
Kaynak: Topographic isolation
The members of the two populations are reproductively isolated due to their adaptations to distinct salt concentrations. An example of
Kaynak: Reproductive isolation
Even when socially isolated people do go out in to public and attempt social interactions, the social interactions that succeed — if any
Kaynak: Social isolation
Sometimes a particular membrane fraction can be isolated first, such as isolating mitochondria from cells before purifying a protein
Kaynak: Protein purification

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