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isomer anlamı
1) izomer

"isomer" için örnek kullanımlar

Arbaclofen placarbil is a prodrug of the R isomer of baclofen.
Arbaclofen placarbil baklofen R izomerin bir ön ilaçtır.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Leucovorin, an isomer of Fusilev's active ingredient "levoleucovorin," is a generic agent that is used to prevent the harmful effects of methotrexate in cancer patients.
Lökovorin, Fusilev aktif madde ve bir izomer "levoleucovorin," kanser hastalarında metotreksat zararlı etkilerini önlemek için kullanılan genel bir ajandır.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
A nuclear isomer is a metastable state of an atomic nucleus caused by the excitation of one or more of its nucleon s (protons or neutrons
Kaynak: Nuclear isomer
Two mirror images of a chiral molecule are called enantiomer s or optical isomer s. Pairs of enantiomers are often designated as "right-
Kaynak: Chirality (chemistry)
structural isomer s, which share the same molecular formula , but the bond connections and/or their order differ(s) between different atoms/groups.
Kaynak: Stereoisomerism
In organic chemistry, two molecules are valence isomers when they are constitutional isomer s that can interconvert through pericyclic
Kaynak: Valence isomer
In chemistry , conformational isomerism is a form of stereoisomerism in which the isomer s can be interconverted exclusively by rotations
Kaynak: Conformational isomerism
Coordination isomerism is a form of structural isomerism in which the composition of the complex ion varies. In a coordination isomer
Kaynak: Coordination isomerism
This is the list of the 75 isomer s of decane . Straight-chain : Decane Nonane : 2-Methylnonane 3-Methylnonane 4-Methylnonane
Kaynak: List of isomers of decane
emission (IGE) refers to the process of fluorescent emission of gamma ray s from excited nuclei, usually involving a specific nuclear isomer .
Kaynak: Induced gamma emission
This is the list of isomer s of nonane . There are 35. Straight chain : Nonane. Octane : 2-methyloctane 3-methyloctane 4-methyloctane
Kaynak: List of isomers of nonane
This is the list of 159 isomer s of Undecane . Straight Chain : Undecane. Decane : 2-Methyldecane 3-Methyldecane 4-Methyldecane 5-Methyldecane
Kaynak: List of isomers of undecane
Typically, three types of nuclear interaction may be observed: an isomer shift , also known as a chemical shift ; quadrupole splitting ;
Kaynak: Mössbauer spectroscopy

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