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isolation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

isolation anlamı
1) izolasyon
2) tecrit
3) ayırma
4) soyutlanma
5) karantina
6) ayrı durma

"isolation" için örnek kullanımlar

So, playlists aren't created in isolation, it's more of a team effort?
Yani, çalma listeleri izolasyon oluşturulan değil, bir ekip çalışması daha var?
Kaynak: noknok.tv
Britten uses his soloists in isolation and in tandem to good effect.
Britten izolasyon ve iyi etki için tandem onun solistler kullanır.
Kaynak: theartsdesk.com
"Joey," Gass remarks, "learned that music is an enemy of isolation."
"Joey" Gass konuşmasında, "bu müzik izolasyon bir düşmanı olduğunu öğrendim."
Kaynak: npr.org
It's interesting to see how this isolation has really weakened Hannah's mental state.
Bu izolasyon gerçekten Hannah ruhsal durumunu zayıflatmıştır nasıl görmek ilginç.
Kaynak: insidepulse.com
Isolation may refer to: Human isolation (disambiguation) Solitude Solitary confinement Isolationism in politics. Sciences, including formal
Kaynak: Isolation
The topographic isolation of a summit is the great circle distance to the nearest point of equal elevation . Topographic isolation
Kaynak: Topographic isolation
Solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation, i.e., lack of contact with people. It may stem from bad relationships, deliberate choice,
Kaynak: Solitude
The mechanisms of reproductive isolation or hybridization barriers are a collection of mechanisms, behaviors and physiological processes
Kaynak: Reproductive isolation
In database systems, isolation is a property that defines how/when the changes made by one operation become visible to other concurrent
Kaynak: Isolation (database systems)
Social isolation refers to a complete or near-complete lack of contact with society for members of social species . It is usually
Kaynak: Social isolation
Loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation. Loneliness typically includes anxious feelings about a
Kaynak: Loneliness
become ill The term is often erroneously used synonymously with isolation, which is "to separate ill persons who have a communicable
Kaynak: Quarantine
International isolation is a penalty applied by the international community or a sizeable or powerful group of countries, like the United
Kaynak: International isolation
of integration or common values and a high degree of distance or isolation between individuals, or between an individual and a group of
Kaynak: Social alienation
In health care, isolation refers to various measures taken to prevent contagious disease s from being spread from a patient to other
Kaynak: Isolation (health care)
mental health, and suggested that inmates in isolation often had mental health problems that should not be attributed to the isolation itself
Kaynak: Solitary confinement
An isolation transformer is a transformer used to transfer electrical power from a source of alternating current (AC) power to some
Kaynak: Isolation transformer
Allopatric isolation is a key factor in speciation and a common process by which new species arise Adaptive radiation , as observed by
Kaynak: Allopatric speciation
See also : International isolation Monroe Doctrine Non-interventionism Sakoku Splendid isolation United States non-interventionism
Kaynak: Isolationism

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