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juvenilia ne demek?

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juvenilia anlamı
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"juvenilia" için örnek kullanımlar

MacFarlane's fratty humor relies on rapid churn, shock value and committed juvenilia, which made it a particularly odd fit for the event.
MacFarlane en fratty mizah, bu olay için özellikle tuhaf uyum sağlamışlardır şok değeri ve kararlı katiplik, yayık hızlı dayanır.
Kaynak: indiewire.com
The Appendix Vergiliana is a collection of poems traditionally ascribed as juvenilia of Virgil , although it is likely that all the pieces
Kaynak: Appendix Vergiliana
Björk is the first official release (considered juvenilia ) from the Iceland ic singer Björk . In 1976, Björk appeared on Icelandic radio
Kaynak: Björk (album)
are the two singles released by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu while working with High School Singer Japan now considered juvenilia . Track listing
Kaynak: Miracle Orange / Loveberry
is a short novel from Jane Austen 's juvenilia. It is a parody of the melodramatic and sentimental novel s of the time and tells the
Kaynak: The Beautifull Cassandra
Dates for the fiction, collaborations and juvenilia are in the format: composition date / first publication date, taken from An H.P.
Kaynak: H. P. Lovecraft bibliography
There are also numerous unpublished works, sketches and juvenilia. Grainger's compositional career lasted for more than half a century,
Kaynak: List of compositions by Percy Grainger
them are Nikolai Myaskovsky 's 17th Symphony, Christopher Schlegel 's 5th Symphony, and an abandoned work of juvenilia by Marc Blitzstein .
Kaynak: G-sharp minor

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