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juvenility ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"juvenility" için örnek kullanımlar

It's sophisticated juvenility, mixing the haughty and the potty.
Bu mağrur ve lazımlık karıştırma, sofistike gençlik var.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
In most fruiting trees, juvenility may last between 5 and 9 years, but in some tropical fruits e.g. Mangosteen , juvenility may be
Kaynak: Grafting
The fruit shape is somewhat variable at present, globose to ovoid with a depressed base, possibly due to the juvenility of the subject
Kaynak: Smith Red Valencia
the actors were well received, the plays themselves were seen as "enigmatic drama", "weak social satire", and "feeble exercises in juvenility
Kaynak: Melvin Bernhardt
Other characteristics that are associated with juvenility – barking and meowing (sounds used by wolf cubs and kittens of large felines,
Kaynak: Self-domestication
Dolls are typically used by young girls in make-believe play, and represent a sort of juvenility. Baby was not the typical 12 year-old.
Kaynak: Lullabies for Little Criminals
is one of the first medical men of the day, in spite of his exquisitely varnished boots and his aspiration to the juvenility that is not his
Kaynak: Oscar Clayton
childhood, juvenility, adolescence) that has been theorized to confer a number of evolutionarily competitive benefits (Locke & Bogin, 2006).
Kaynak: Maturity (psychological)
indicated for the poet a positive advance: the overcoming of traditional ways of thought and the end of spiritual juvenility or adolescence.
Kaynak: Germany. A Winter's Tale
iuvenis juvenis | juven- | young | juvenile, juvenilia , juvenility | jejunus | jejun- | | jejunal, jejune, jejunity, jejunum |
Kaynak: List of Latin words with English derivatives
"unvarnished egotism", and "'a specimen of prolonged and morbid juvenility,'" Sumner combined a passionate conviction in his own moral
Kaynak: Charles Sumner

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