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materialism ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

materialism anlamı
1) materyalizm
2) maddecilik
3) özdekçilik

"materialism" için örnek kullanımlar

As it turns out, Macklemore has made materialism a target in his raps.
Bakılırsa, Macklemore materyalizme yaptığı rap bir hedef haline gelmiştir.
Kaynak: joplinglobe.com
how dare they defile the body of Christ with materialism and these shenanigans.
nasıl materyalizm ve bu maskaralık ile İsa'nın bedeni kirletmediler cesaret.
Kaynak: zimeye.org
Some critics say Chinese society is dominated by materialism, but Gerth disagrees.
Bazı eleştirmenler, Çin toplumunun materyalizm hakim olduğunu söylüyorlar, ama Gerth katılmıyor.
Kaynak: usa.chinadaily.com.cn
At a workshop I attended recently, the presenter spoke about the problem of materialism.
Geçenlerde katıldığı bir çalıştayda sunum materyalizmin sorun hakkında konuştu.
Kaynak: thestarphoenix.com
In philosophy , the theory of materialism holds that the only thing that exists is matter or energy ; that all things are composed of
Kaynak: Materialism
Dialectical materialism is a strand of Marxism , synthesizing Hegel 's dialectic s, which proposes that every economic order grows to a
Kaynak: Dialectical materialism
This correlates with the rise of materialism date March 2011, specifically the technological aspect: the increasing prevalence of compact
Kaynak: Consumerism
French materialism is the name given to a handful of French 18th century philosophers during the Age of Enlightenment , many of them
Kaynak: French materialism
The older doctrine, here called universal mechanism, is the ancient philosophies closely linked with materialism and reductionism ,
Kaynak: Mechanism (philosophy)
Historical materialism is a methodological approach to the study of society , economics, and history, first articulated by Karl Marx (1818
Kaynak: Historical materialism
Eliminative materialism (also called eliminativism) is a materialist position in the philosophy of mind . Its primary claim is that
Kaynak: Eliminative materialism
The concept of post-materialism is a tool in developing an understanding of modern culture. reference of three distinct concepts of materialism .
Kaynak: Post-materialism
Cultural materialism refers to two separate scholarly endeavours: Cultural materialism (anthropology), an anthropological research
Kaynak: Cultural materialism
Revisionary materialism is the view that falls between Eliminative materialism and Reductive materialism when it comes to a particular
Kaynak: Revisionary materialism
In the philosophy of mind , emergent (or emergentist) materialism is a theory which asserts that the mind is an irreducible existent in
Kaynak: Emergent materialism
In philosophy of mind , Cartesian materialism is the idea that at some place (or places) in the brain, there is some set of information
Kaynak: Cartesian materialism
Metaphysical naturalism, also called ontological naturalism, philosophical naturalism and scientific materialism is a strong belief in
Kaynak: Metaphysical naturalism
Cultural materialism is an anthropological research orientation first introduced by Marvin Harris in his 1968 book The Rise of
Kaynak: Cultural materialism (anthropology)
Spiritual materialism or spiritual narcissism are terms used to describe mistakes spiritual seekers commit which turn the pursuit of
Kaynak: Spiritual materialism
Christian materialism is the combination of Christian theology with the ideas of materialism , which places a high value on material things
Kaynak: Christian materialism
Type physicalism (also known as reductive materialism, type identity theory, mind-brain identity theory and identity theory of mind) is a
Kaynak: Type physicalism
Materialism may refer to: Materialism — the view that the universe consists only of organized matter and energy. economic materialism the
Kaynak: Materialism (disambiguation)

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